Chapter: 5 "The hangover"

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"Yooo look at this shit" Jeremiah yelled to Steven so that he would come into the room.

Conrad and I went up to my room last night after the morning run to the beach but we did nothing just sleep for a few hours until Jeremiah woke us up.

Me who's a light sleeper woke up immediately when Jere started yelling for Steven to come and I realised that we fell asleep tangled in each other. My back was pressed up against Con's chest and his arm was tightly wrapped around my waist.

I started whisper-yelling at Jeremiah and Steven to leave but they wouldn't so when I heard that my brother was about to come into the room too I decided to wake Conrad up.

"Wake up" I half yelled making him wake up immediately and remove his arms from me. When he realised that Jere and Stevie were in the room he suddenly told them to get the fuck out and that we fell asleep watching a movie last night.

They left and we started getting ready well Conrad went to his room to get ready and I got ready in mine. I decided to wear Conrad's white shirt that I took the other day , a hoodie over it to cover....something and  some shorts that I found on the couch yesterday.

Pretty sure that these are Conrad's too but I really couldn't care less I just need to get this hang over, over with.

I was walking down the stairs when I saw that Conrad was already on the couch half asleep so I decided to join him.

I was laying down so that our heads were on the same pillow and Conrad didn't mind it he actually hugged me while laying down and here come the butterflies again.

Jeremiah, Steven and Jayden were complaining about having to do portraits with Susannah and then I remembered everything from last night.

The flash backs made me sit straight up very fast and In the same moment I went to look at Steven who had a smirk on his face. I just wanted to kill myself at this point.

I decided to lay back down and try to have a conversation with Conrad. "Was I dreaming or did something happen last night" I half whispered to Con.

He just started silently laughing. " If you mean Steven walking in on us making out then yea, something did happen." I face palmed myself right then and there making Conrad laugh.

"She needs to see you in flesh to capture you essence while you are still young and full of hope" Laurel told Jeremiah who was still in fact complaining.

"There's no hope for Conrad or Athena" Jeremiah and Jayden laughed when they said that making me flip the off but not move from my laying place.

"Can you just hurry up" Conrad said already annoyed at his little brother and placing his head at the crook of my neck.

"Just go back to bed" Jere said also getting annoyed with his brother while turning on the blender making mine and Conrad's head bounce up from the headache.

Jayden and Laurel then started talking about the portraits AGAIN and at this point I just stopped listening to them I couldn't bother anymore.

"I don't see Conrad or Athena complaining" Laurel said making a very good point because it was very much true. We are the best kids ever.

"That's just because they are together, separate them and you will see real complaining." My brother and Jere laughed while I just decided to throw a pillow at them making it hit Stevens head. We can just say that he wasn't very happy.

"Nina why are you even wearing a hoodie it's literally burning hot outside." Steven asked and I knew damn well that this bitch knew why, he just wanted to make it difficult for me.

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