Chapter: 29 "Fuck this shit"

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All three of us were now walking towards the stop sign where Conrad, Jeremiah and Jayden will be waiting for us. We had the boat cover around all three of us and we were walking in silence.

Belly decided to break it with the subject that I least would like to talk about. "Athena I'm really sorry I just thought that you would be mad at me." She said making the anger inside me build up again.

"Yeah and you get to be mad at Taylor for making out with Steven and you have a big crush on my brother and you don't even bother telling me." I say.

"Yeah but that was different." She said making me snap my head towards her.

"How the fuck is it different Belly." I say again. "It's the same thing but the only thing I don't like about you is that you are having three people wrapped around you're finger and you are toying with them." I say getting angry once again. "Taylor only kissed you're brother and she wasn't with anyone else only him while you have three boys hooking up with you." I snap.

"Oh and Taylor I expected you to at least tell me something but it's fine I don't care." I say not wanting to speak to either of them.

We were now walking once again in silence when I noticed the boys parked right in front of the sign. Jere
spotted us first making me force a smile.

"Give us our clothes please." I shout making all of the boy's heads turn to look at us. Okay that wasn't my intention. Turn your head back.

"Nicole gave us the clothes when she talked with Jayden." Conrad said holding up the bag. Thank god because I was actually scared as to what the boys were going to pick for us from the house since I told them to.

"Thank God." Taylor said making me nod. Belly just stayed silent making me feel bad for the girl but I know that I shouldn't.

"I hope you told her to watch her back." Taylor said making me grin.

"Can you just." Belly said as Taylor and her moved forward so that the boys could hold up the covers so that we could change.

"Hey hey hey guys no." I say while I'm still forced to walk. "That's my brother and my boyfriend brother right there." I say with wide eyes.

"Athena please it's the only way." Taylor said making me groan.

"You look and I cut your dick off, if you have one." I say looking at the two boys. "Okay?" I smile towards them.
They nodded while Jere gulped and just held up the covers while we changed.

I was the first one to be done changing and I was now drying my hair. And by drying I mean letting it fall down.
Conrad and Jeremiah were holding up the covers so when I was done I went to the other side and smiled at them.

Conrad kissed me once making me smile but then I remembered that my best friend just got with my brother.

Belly and Taylor were done too and now the only thing that was left to do was go home. "Who is going to go with who?" Taylor asked as she and Belly finished up.

"I'm pretty sure that Belly can ride with Jayden since it's not the only thing of his she would like to ride." I say looking at both Belly and Jayden.

"What the fuck." Conrad says with his arm still around my waist. Well this is getting good.

"I don't know what she's talking about." Jayden said as he looked at Belly.

"Oh but you do." I said. "You know very well and that's the reason you've been distant from me, because you knew how I would react." I say wanting to leave right now.

Jayden just looked down as Jeremiah looked heartbroken. I went forward and hugged him tight. "Hey it's going to be okay." I whisper in his ear as he just nodded his head.

Taylor and Jayden were now arguing about what was going on between him and Belly as Belly stayed silent.
I took Conrad's hand as we made our way to the car.

I sat in the passenger seat as Conrad turned the car on. He turned it on but he was still not driving it. "I take it that you didn't know either did you?" I ask him with a chuckle. He shook his head with confused written all over his face.

"So that's the reason why Nicole and Gigi left you guys there." Conrad said. "Because she found out about Jayden and Belly isn't it?" He said while he took his hand in mine.

"Yeah." I chuckle while the chuckles started becoming laughing at this point. "Isn't it funny how the most innocent girl in history is making out with three guys at the same time." I say with a grin. Conrad had already started driving the car towards the house and luckily it wasn't far away.

"Yeah I would've never expected that from Belly to be honest." Conrad said as he chuckled too.

"But she is still my best friend at the end of the day and Jayden is my brother so I'm going to have to deal with it." I say leaning against the head rest.

After a minute of silence Conrad spoke up again. "Do you think that it was like this for the others when we started dating?" He asked making me think a bit.

"No I don't think so." I say squeezing his hand. "We didn't get with  other people while we were together and also I guess that we've always been like this so they could've expected it but also at the same time it is kind of same." I say smiling at him.

"Yeah that what I mean." He said as he took a turn towards the Main Street of Cousins because we needed to go that way towards the house. "Because I am Jayden's best friend we are together so it's like the similar thing with Belly and Jayden but they still had other people while they were making out and that's literally the opposite of us." He said making me nod.

"Exactly." I say kissing him on the cheek. He grinned and kissed my hand which made me grin. This summer was an absolute blast.

A/N: HIIII GUYS. I said that I would update and I did. 😈😈

I plan on bringing Athena's best friend, Sara to the next few chapters so I wanted to ask if that was okay with you guys and if you would like that. <3


I wanted to do something special when we hit 50K reads so I decided to update four chapters today but I still want to do something more so what would you guys like? 😫


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