Chapter: 17 "Fancy dinner"

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All of us were in the car now, driving to the restaurant. The awkwardness in this car was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. We haven't been to restaurants as a whole family since like last summer. It's not like I missed it it's just that it was something that we didn't do very often.

We arrived at the restaurant and I walked out of the car as fast as I could so that I could get this over with. Jayden was right beside me as we entered and a person greeted us.

"Hi we have a reservation for 7pm under the name Anastasia." My mother said as she greeted the person politely.

He told us to follow him to our table and asked what we would like to drink. Mom and dad took red wine while I took a water and Jayden took a sprite.

Jayden was supposed to drive us home because our parents decided to drink alcohol this evening.

We sat in silence as no one dared to speak. There wasn't anything that we had to talk about and even if we did find a subject it would turn into an argument.

The bartender came back with our drinks and placed them in front of us. It passed a few seconds before Dad spoke up.

"So how's school going." He said taking a sip out of the wine.

"Good well I have one year left before I go to college so I have a bit time to think what I want to do." Jayden said turning to me.

"Yeah it's good." I said not wanting to make conversation with the man in front of me.

"Are you will considering Duke?" My father asks me with a serious tone. Of course he knew, I mean my mother must of have told him.

"Yes I already got accepted." I say taking a sip out of my water.

"Why didn't you tell us." My mother said turning to me. I told her that I was considering it and I didn't tell her that I got accepted because she would make a big deal.

"Didn't think that you would care." I say looking at my father for the first time this evening.

"Of course that we would care." My mother said looking at me in confusion as to why I didn't tell them.

"What are you considering Jay." I say changing the subject from myself so that we could talk about something else.

"Uh I was thinking about Princeton like Steven so that we could go together." He said with excitement surrounding him like a magnet.

"Well that's nice." My father said smiling a bit for the first time. He always favourited Jayden and I had no problem with it.

Jayden nodded his head as to what dad had said about Princeton.

"Did you guys need to tell us something serious today or something like that because it's weird that after such long time now is the time that you guys want to have dinner as a family." I say getting to the point as fast as I could. There was definitely something that they wanted to tell us.

"No we just missed having family dinner that's all." My father said as the bartender made his way towards us.

"Are you guys ready to order?" He asked as he turned to look at us.

"Yes I would like the chicken salad." My mother said looking at me to continue.

"I would like the Pasta Alfredo thank you." I say closing the menu.

"I would like the grilled chicken." Jayden said also closing the menu as me and placing them on top of each other.

"And I could take the grilled steak thank you." Dad finished as the bartender left.

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