Chapter: 10 "Belly's birthday dinner"

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"Hey guys." I say smiling at Taylor who came here for some days to hang out with Belly. Me and her always got along I guess that it was Belly that made us so close because if it wasn't for her I wouldn't of have even met Taylor.

"Athena you look so snatched." Taylor said getting out of the water to hug me. She dried herself of first and then pulled me in a bone crushing hug. I returned the hug of course.

We talked for a bit before Taylor decided that me and Conrad should join them to play volleyball. We accepted but we had to go to change into our bathing suits first.

I changed into my bathing suit at the same time that Con was done so we went to the pool together.

"Ooo should we play guys vs girls." I say smiling at my team.

"Absolutely." Said Taylor with a wink. Me and Conrad got into the pool both in different parts because we were not together in same the team.

We started playing and so far it was us girls who were leading.


The girls ended up winning, of course. Conrad went to help Cleveland at the bookclub while I stayed with Taylor and Belly getting ready for her birthday dinner.

A/N: I literally have no idea what Athena's outfit could be so you can pick you're own my mind is literally blocked at this point I'm so sorry. 😭

I put on my outfit and went inside Belly's room to see how the girls were doing. They were dressed very pretty and they had flower crowns on their heads.

"You look so good Athena." Belly said handing me a flower crown. I thanked her a put the flower crown on going downstairs.

"Hey Nina." Susannah said smiling my way while I passed her to go outside. I waved back to her while grinning.

"Hey Con." I say sitting beside him. He was chucking corn so I decided to help him.

"Hi Athena." He said trying to smile. Anyone could see that there was something obviously wrong with the way he was acting.

"Are you okay?" I ask looking up from the corn that I was chucking.

"Yea I was just late for Cleveland's interview and I promised him that I would come early to help him prep." He said still chucking the corn.

"Oh well I'm sure that he didn't fire you did he?" I ask trying to lighten the mood a bit which worked, it made him chuckle.

"Hey Con." Laurel said sitting beside him. I decided to leave because I wanted to let them have a moment of their own so that maybe she could get something out of him that I couldn't. Laurel had her ways of doing it heck it even worked on me sometimes.

I went inside sitting on one of the chairs while my mom and Susannah made dinner. I was eating strawberries while scrolling through my phone.

"Hey could you pass me some more potatoes I think that they are still in the car from this morning." Susannah said asking my mom. She nodded in response and started heading out.

A few seconds passed before Susannah spoke up."You have a way of getting him in a good mood you know." She said looking at me with a sad smile.

I assumed that she was talking about Conrad I mean who else could've she have been talking about.

"Yeah I don't know why but it seems like something is bothering him very much and it's starting to bother me too not knowing what it is." I say eating my last strawberry.

"He hasn't been this happy since April, I guess you really have an impact on him." She said."You were always like this, you and Connie, doing bad things that would make us go mad." She said with a chuckle remembering those times.

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