3.5 - Prison Escape

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3.5 - Prison Escape

"Leader or not, you're all little pieces of shit," I growl, annoyed at the fact the held me a prisoner in a room, and deliberately injected me with a poisonous substance.

"If you ever dare to insult my Pack again, I would not hesitate to kill you," he snarled, his eyes flashing.

I roll my eyes and lean my head on the wall as he exits the room. The loud door bangs shut as I hear the lock click heavily into place. No point of trying to escape. I sit there, alternating between staring at the CCTV camera and narrowing my eyes at it. The room was white, and square. Nothing to adorn it except for the plain silver chair that I sat on and the chains that bound my arms.

There were exactly seven cameras tuned only on me.

"I didn't know I was that special," I sing in my mind.

"Don't. You are very irresponsible," she snaps back. "I can't talk to you."

"You're my Wolf, you're supposed to listen to me."

"Technically, it's the other way around," she sighs, sounding tired.

"What's your name?" I ask, I was sure that she knew mine. So, I didn't bother trying to ask her.

My Wolf hadn't always been a part of my life. Every Lycanthrope, at the age of sixteen, is graciously deemed with a mental Wolf. I have really never cared for mine, I prefer demarcating our lives - except when I need to shift. But, keeping her away takes energy, energy that I don't have at this moment, so I play along.

"Vienna," she replies.

"My name's Vienna," I raise a mental brow at her words - sighing wistfully.

"No, it's Sativa."

"No, my middle name's Vienna," I tell her, blocking her out as the sound of the lock resonates once more.

I don't raise my head as the man's footsteps sound in the room again. This time, I could hear another pair of boots. Quietly, ever so quietly, the man questioning me for my bag kneels to my level, grabs my chin, and gently lifts it up to meet his eyes. I obligingly obey, but I keep my pupils down south.

"Look at me," he orders. His voice laced with power, not enough to be the Alpha's, but sufficient enough to pass as a Beta. "I will not ask of that of you again, my Leader despises disrespect, and he would not be as lenient as I am, so behave."

"And if I don't?" I bite out snakily, snapping my teeth towards the man's hand. Making him retract them away from my chin in pure instinct. "What will you do?"

"Kill you."

This time, the voice came from the Leader.

And, involuntarily, I look up. First, from the boots. The scruffy, black boots that was so familiar. The legs, strong and thick. I let my eyes travel past his muscular chest and finally to his face. I don't make an indication that I know this man. Even if, at the very bottom of my heart, and at the farthest spot in my head, I knew that the man standing in front of me was my mate - the man from the diner last week.

"I am not going to bother with the formalities," he snarled, kneeling down till he was eye-level with me. "I am fucking sure that you know exactly who I am, and what I want from you."

"Fuck off," I spit, narrowing my eyes at his cocky expression. I hated this man, I could tell myself that I hated him. But I knew, that I truly didn't hate him. I only hated him for what he had done to me, his choice.

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