20 - Aldag Senior

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20 - Aldag Senior

Location Unidentified

(PG-13) Due to strong language used in this aspect of this chapter


It seems to be all I wake up to find myself in these days.

Groaning inwardly at the smell that hits my nose, I attempt to sit up, but I fall back down as the confinement of the space I am in prevents me from doing anything but taking in slow and steady breathes.

I flicker my eyes open, only for them to meet with a single, yellow bulb. It hung from the cracked ceiling on a single, metal string. A blue and a red wore curled around it, disappearing into the unconventional bulb.

The quailed growl of my stomach had me fighting against the chains to clutch it. I don't remember the last time I had something real to eat. I adjusted my eyes to the darkness, thankfully, I could see a lot clearer in the dark now that Romanov had marked me. Of course, it is nothing compared to my eyesight if we were to mate.

But, it is more than enough.

The wall that my back was pressed against was cold and hard. At this point, I couldn't tell whether I was standing or laying down. My hands were tied behind my back, and my feet in metallic chains. From what I could tell, it wasn't covered in Wolfsbane. It was there, but I was not enough to be at all noticed by me, for I was still wearing my boots.

I didn't know how they had gotten unto my feet, but I was grateful for it. My thin cotton shorts did nothing to protect me from the cold, but Romanov's black shirt that I had taken from him the day we had arrived here did something to keep me sane. The smell, although it was not faint, it gave me a sense of security - a sense of a promise that he would come. I frowned, I shouldn't be depending on him aptly.

I should be depending on myself to save me from this.

Not him.

Vienna had been quiet, and I suspected her being up to something. Although, I didn't have the mind of asking her.

Another jet of pain shot through my lower abdomen.

I groan inwardly, "Heat."

I curse, now was not the time for my heat to show up.

I grit my teeth as I lower my mental barrier with Vienna in order for a request, "I need you to hold off the heat." I swallow, my nails digging into my own palms.

"I am not your Ask & Receive machine, Sativa."

"You're right," I bite my lip as another roll of pain shoots through my stomach.

"Now, what is it that I can help you with?"

"Hold off the heat," I hiss.

"Can I get little politeness in there?"

"Please," I growl, clutching my stomach. "Hold it off."

I feel the wall climb back up, the pain in my stomach easing until I could barely feel it. I peel my eyes open, the wetness I notice in my eyes surprising me. Leaning my head back on the cool wall, I stare at the cage in front of me. It was small, barely enough for me to move properly. The space in between me and the metallic cage carrying to be an inch.

"Thanks," I murmur towards Vienna, although I'm sure she cannot even imagine to try and hear me.

"I see that you are awake."

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