8.5 - Rogue Issues

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8.5 Rouge Issues

Loupe Fiasco, California
USA - North America
The Main Pack Lodgings

I hated memories, mainly because they were never something to keep. From an early age, I was taught to fend for myself. My father never allowed space for errors, so tried to never make any. But, I was still human, I made a mistake.

"We are going to be late for the dinner," a smooth voice called out, small fingers splaying themselves on my bare back. "You are still coming Romanov, right?"

I fought the urge to shake them off, "In a minute."

"I am going to get dressed," I didn't bother to turn as the hands retracted, small footsteps padding back into the room. "Don't be too long."

I don't reply as I take my head in my hands, "Fuck," I mutter, the wind pushing against my bare back. I raise my head slightly, looking down at the forest as a slight figure disappeared into it. I still, frowning as I recounted the figure. Sativa, I smirk. I raise the cigarette to my lips, fingering the golden lighter in my hands. An imminent feeling had settled in my chest; but I didn't act upon it. I had more important issues to address.

The stupid girl knew that she was supposed to be at the dinner. I smirk again, I would have fun punishing her. But, that was for later.

"Run the perimeter," I command in my mind-link.

Not to any soul in particular, but they would be damned to ignore the instruction of an Alpha. I had called tonight off, as a night to celebrate the coming of my fiancé, Maya. I didn't propose, my father did - long before he passed. Maya Amerce, daughter to one of the most powerful Alphas in the country. A deal with him, however it may come, could ensure my Pack a lifetime of safety - something I cannot turn out.

I drop my head into my hands again. God, I hated anything to do with the past. But today, right now, right here, they were fighting for my dominance.

A fight that I had won a long time ago. But, it looked like they were battling for a second round - and I wasn't so sure that I would be the victorious one this time.


Donetsk, Russia
USSR - European End
Romanov's Family Home


I was cold, and hungry. I had waited, coloring with my broken crayons, letting them dwindle until I was coloring with nothing but my fingers.

I smile excitedly up at her as she places a plate of Heinz baked beans in front of me. Pushing my colors to the side, I smile up at her as she busily buzzes around the large kitchen. I had always thought that she was an angel. Her long blonde hair, it was always in a band. Her lovely eyes that never seemed alight anymore. And, her face - slight wrinkles and worry lines adorned it.

I loved her.

Biting my lip, I can't help but feel sad. I couldn't tell the time yet, but I knew that it was late. I was a 'big boy' today, Mommy had said so - that being four came with a lot of more responsibilities. Like, taking care of my little sister - I was a 'big boy'.

Entranced with the movements and shuffles of mother, and all the other maids, my hand slips and knocks the plate of baked beans over. I wanted to help, to clean up the mess, but Mommy wouldn't hear it.

"Aldag," she snapped, her eyes becoming mean. "You know that Daddy hates it when it's messy," she croaks, wiping the table furiously and pushing me out of the room. "Just, go and play."

Luna QueenМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя