6 - Hospitals

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6 - Hospitals

Loupe Fiasco, California
USA - North America
The Main Pack Lodgings

It took all the willpower that I possessed in my mind not to entirely despise the woman that smiled so brightly before me. In a way, I wanted to tell her that it wasn't her fault; but, the fact that she was the wife of my mate was too much to pass on my faltering state of mentality.

"Well, I was wondering if you would like to join us for dinner - you weren't present and Romanov asked if I investigate what you were up to."

So it's come to sending investigators after me?

For a reason, unbeknown to me, the woman - Natalya, was a lot less intimidating. I could see that her smile was genuine. And that, that bothered me. Again, I wasn't sure why it did.

"Alpha Ivanovich, he requested my presence?" I arch a brow. I stopped my Wolf from rejoicing as I offered her a stern warning.

"Merely," she answered. "I requested it, not him. He only approved it."

"Oh," I manage to keep the disappointment from my tone. For a while, I stand there. Not talking, or doing anything; just watching her as she watched me.

"So," she nervously played with her fingers. "Do you want to eat dinner with us?"

I lean against the frame of the door. I looked her up and down, I could tell that I made her nervously from the intensity that my eyes held. Natalya had an ulterior motive, I could tell.

"Yesterday, you looked as if you didn't want me anywhere near you; hostile almost - now, you are not." I muse, looking at her closely.

"Yeah," she breathed, clearing her throat before she continued. "You have to understand - all my life, all I've ever been told to do is stay away from Rouges, and now, you come and you kill our Pack member; plus you're here on trial for murder. So forgive me for being rude."

Guilt overwhelms me as I remember Ivan. "Um, was he the Beta?" I didn't need to specify exactly who I meant.

"God, no," an airy giggle escapes her lips. "Ivan couldn't run a Pack to save his life. He was the third-in-command; like the Gamma."

"Oh," I mutter.

"He was hard, but everybody has those days, right?" I nod, not sure as to why she's telling me this. "I cannot say that I blamed him, his mate died over a year ago; may her soul rest in perfect peace." I don't talk for a while, my lips becoming dry as I swallow.

"He had a daughter?" I ask, a clawing feeling running up the cravens of my chest.

"Has," she corrected my use of tenses. "Amiya." Natalya confirmed. "Angel, that thing. She doesn't know he's gone, so forgive her if she goes around calling Daddy."

The clawing feeling gets worse. I flinch and recoil as Natalya brings a hand to my head, "Shit," she swears, my lower lip trembling. "You are burning up, Sativa." I pull away and mutter incoherent things under my breath.

"Well, you did say training grounds." She nodded. "But, Daddy will help you with any further questions."

The memory rings round and round in my head. I was a killer; that wasn't what bothered me. But, I had made an innocent girl suffer because of my childish behavior. I can't help when I rip myself from the doorway and run straight to the bathroom, Natalya hot on my trail. I lean over the toilet bowl and empty the contents of my stomach until my chest was heaving so hard, it was getting difficult to breathe.

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