4 - Flash Fires

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4 - Flash Fires

Loupe Fiasco, California
USA - North America
The NW Pack Cells

I hardly ever showed emotion. Well, not before the Alpha showed up in my life, I hadn't. A long time ago, when my father was still my father, and when he didn't dwell in his infidelity, I used to think that my life was somewhat perfect. Loving parents, and a somewhat wonderful Pack.

But, all that changed once they got married. It was like, I didn't exist anymore, and Milly was all that mattered. Although, we weren't of the same age, our birthdays unfortunately fell on the same day, July sixth.

And, when Ivanna and my father revealed that they were getting married, it became too much for my mother's frail body to pretend anymore. After they would leave, she would open all the windows and smoke until she passed out. I would watch her as she spends hundreds of dollars just to sponsor her Charlie addiction. That's where and how mine came to a start.

I didn't mean to, she had only told me that it was an alternative source of happiness, and although it didn't last very long, it was alright. She never told me of the addiction, and I didn't ever ask. I'd like to think that it was a mistake on her part - but it was impossible.

They told me, the people that confined me, that they were going to let me leave.

But, not on my conditions.

Because of the extent of what the bag held, they had contacted my ex-Pack, and they were going to 'bail' me out. I had not a doubt in my mind that this was the end of any compensations that had to be paid - and that, they were going to ban me from ever returning again.

It is an unforgivable thing to do - going to another's Pack to cause trouble - especially if you aren't a Rogue and you still belong to a Pack - exactly what I have done. If, you are unable to escape you are free to go on the grounds of your own talent. But, seeing as this was the only Fascist Pack of this day and age, there was no chance of me escaping before due time. They call your pack, and give you two paradoxically taxed options.

One, to stay in their pack as a slave. Or, as an Omega.

Two, to be banned from both packs for as long as they both decide is alright.

I didn't know what to do, either options were horrible.

If I were to leave, I wouldn't survive a female Rogue, especially since I haven't mated yet. I would be prone to attacks, and I most likely would not live to survive it.

If I were to stay in Romanov's pack as an Omega, I would have to face total abasement from him, and not being able to do shit about it. I would have to see him everyday, and that would hurt. No matter how strong I posed myself to be, I wouldn't always falter at his words, not because I choose to, but because he is my Soulmate; unfortunately.

It wasn't my choice, after all. It was Romanov's, so anything that I said, or did, really could not really affect his choice in any way.

I couldn't say that I knew what he would want to do. I didn't know whether he would send me off his lands, or curse me to stay and become an Omega. I couldn't see what he would gain if I were to leave - however, if I were to stay, he would get the unlimited access to do whatever he pleased to me.

And that thought scared me.

I couldn't exactly tell, but I knew that it was at least, somewhere around midnight. At this point, I know that trying to ask them to not call my pack was useless - besides, I strongly suspected that they were already on their way.

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