4.5 - Flash Fires

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4.5 - Flash Fires

I fight the urge to roll my eyes as the congregation all look at me in pure disgust, I get it, I am not the best of people. If I could tell them, that I didn't kill my parents, I would. But, it's like trying to convince a blind person that they can see. All my efforts so far have been proved futile. My next best wish is not to die of an execution. But, I was a Beta's daughter, the chances were low. That didn't mean that it wasn't possible.

I sat there, very still and not moving. Not because of fear, or anticipation or anxiousness, but because of the Wolfsbane itching against my wrist. I was thankful that the boots covered my ankles, all that I had to swear about, were my hands. I don't let it show, if I do, Alpha Ivanovich would know that he had been able to get a rise out of me, so I put on a pokerface.

Which, is slowly threatening to crumble as the seconds tick by. The first Elder had come, then the second, then the third and now the fourth and last.

Necessarily, Elders didn't need to be present in a trial containing a deed done against them. But, since Alpha Ivanovich wanted my shame to resonate through the Lycanthrope Community, the Elders were graciously invited. Fifteen of them in total, and twelve guards for their safety. I wondered if Romanov told them how 'weak' I was.

Lord knows he was right.

"Now," the fourth Elder rounded, his glassy green eyes turning over to Alpha Ivanovich. "The final stages of the trial will now commence. Miss Sativa, if you would please step up to the podium." I fight the urge to roll my eyes as the eagerness of the crowd.

I let out a sigh, as the chains are retracted from my wrist. Making sure to rub the substance against my wrists before letting my hands go. Lighter still etched in my right hand, my bring my hands together. I still the bouncing of my feet for a minute, letting the chains fall before proceeding to bounce it once more; harder.

As if they had expected me to retaliate, all the guards present in the room stuck out their chests a little more.

The guard's thick, cold hands enveloped my small ones as he dragged me to the podium. Uncomfortable, the way the entirety of the congregation stared at me made me feel uncomfortable. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of my boots kicking against the hardwood floor. It seemed like hours before we finally reached the podium, I clutch tighter unto the lighter as sweat builds up in my palm.

Three steps, to be exact. The podium was three steps high, with a plain brown box outlooking the Alpha and his consorts. I manage to keep the lighter hidden as the guard chains my wrists to the side of the podium's table. I look up, my eyes scanning the great hall, before finally coming to rest at the eyes of Romanov.

"Miss Carter," the Elder cleared his throat, his glassy eyes staring me over as I looked straight ahead. "Do you swear, in the name of The Lord, to tell the truth and only the truth?" He says as I place my hand atop a Bible, feeling a little guilty at the thought of Church. I don't need to explain why.

"I do," I mutter, turning my head away from Alpha Ivanovich's cocky smirk.

"Pardon?" The Elder cocked a brow. I narrowed my eyes at him, I was certain he had heard, that the whole room had heard. Enhanced hearing of a Lycanthrope.

"I do." I held the snarl.

Slowly, I begin flicking the lighter on and then off again, letting the flame kiss my palm before I let it out again, "Is that all?" I raise a brow at the man, the congregation staring at me with such intensity, that I feel nothing but the urge to tell them to stop their act.

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