25.5 - Epilogue

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25.5 - Epilogue

(PG-13 - sexual content; it's not so much, but still, you are warned - so just skip this first scene and go to the second, you are not missing much)

"You're being a distraction," he muttered against my neck as I pushed his mountain of paperwork to the right side of his desk.

"How so?" I bite my lip as he effortlessly lifts me unto his lap, so that I am straddling him. The sparks make themselves known as I wrap my hands around his neck.

"You're beauty confuses me," Romanov whispers so quietly that I strain my ears just to hear him.

"It's a shame I can't say the same," I giggle - total lie.

He growls as he glares at me, "Liar."

"Fine. Your handsomeness sends me into a slight dementia," I muttered truthfully as he tightened his hold on my waist.

His large, warm hands slip underneath my thin cotton shirt and I sigh in content as his lips connect with mine. His tastes invades my senses as I collapse into the warmth he brought. I move my hands and bury my fingers in his hair, deepening the kiss as he lets out a groan of satisfaction. His warm and minty taste sent millions of tiny shivers down my back.

I exhale a breath as he pulls away to let me breathe. We haven't fully mated yet, so I still need oxygen - no matter how much I think I don't.

He nuzzles his mark as he sends kisses up and down my neck. I suck in a breath when his hand slips underneath my shirt and lingers at the hem of my bra. I blush and bury my face into his neck. I don't understand myself. He has done what he is about to do many times, why is it that every time - it feels like it's the first?

"Love," Vienna sang.

"Babe - breathe." Romanov issues a small command before his hands change direction and begin to roam into my southern region.

Shit, I forgot my underwear.

Who the hell forgets to wear underwear?

I bite my lip to keep from moaning embarrassingly as he slips his large, calloused hand into the front of my cotton shorts. I mumble incoherent profanities as he moves his fingers faster, letting them work their magic as I became a panting, moaning mess in his lap. Unconsciously, my legs fall open wider as he smirks while moving his warm hands faster and faster. I lay my head on his broad shoulders as his left hand slips under my bra to recollect what was there.

I throw my head back when he rips the thin material of the shirt and expertly discards remanences of my bra to the floor as he connects with warm mouth with the bud. He swirls his tongue around as he slows down the movement of his hand. I sigh as I pressed my body closer to his, jutting my chest out as he continued with his tasting.

"Fuck," I breathed out as I exploded into a million spectrums in a galaxy of intricate stars and lights.

He raised his head to plant at brief kiss on my lips, before pulling away.

Romanov kept his hand at the front of my shorts as I made friction against it; bringing myself down from my high. Then, slowly, he dragged the tip of his middle finger around before taking it out of my shorts.

I shiver when he raises his hand up. Blushing when I realize that it was coated with liquid that didn't belong to him. I stuck my head back into his neck when he brought the hand to his mouth and licked it.

"That's disgusting," I mumble against his chest.

He smirked, "No to me. You taste better than any wine I have ever drunk - as a matter of fact, I want more."

"Shut up," I mumble as my face heats up considerably.

He takes off his shirt and pulls it over my head as I begin to shiver against the air of the AC. For a while, I just sit there silently, still trying to gather my thoughts on the last few minutes of my life. His hands settled themselves on my hips as I made myself comfortable in his black-jean clad lap. My feet were hanging from the sides of his chair, so I alternated between keeping still and kicking Romanov's leg.

"Is it indifferent to say that without you, my world would be nothing, Sativa?"


He looked serious about the his earlier question. "Then, what should I say?"

I smile, "Exactly what you said before."

He cocks a brow, "You said that it was indifferent."

"Sometimes, being indifferent can be sweet."

That's a big emphasis on the sometimes.

He laughs as he taps my waist lightly, before his hands roam down to the front of my shorts again. "Seriously though - you're being a distraction."

I fight a moan, "I'm the distraction?"



One Year Later

(PG - No sexual scene)

"Breathe Sativa, just breathe." She felt like she was about to hyperventilate as she stood in the dressing room inside the Pack house.

She'd spent the morning being pampered for her wedding day.

Her hair was up in a bun with curls cascading down her neck and face. Her make-up had been expertly applied to erase the dark circles and highlight her eyes and mouth. Her nails were extended and painted. She didn't even feel like herself. They'd just put her in the most magnificent dress she'd ever seen and she was staring in the mirror at a stranger. Who was the girl gazing back at her? They had thankfully given her a few blessed minutes to calm herself, which she was grateful for.

And, as she walked into fall filled with family and friends, she couldn't see anyone but one man...


God, I loved her.

And it was getting hard to deny.

I didn't know whether it was her smile, or her beauty or just everything between, but I was in love with her.

Something I had vowed never to do.

But now, staring down at her as she smiled up at me, I was in awe of myself.

At the back of my mind, I could feel Klaus - I could feel him itching to come out. But, I was in control now; so I denied him that pleasure.

All that could be heard was the anticipation of my Pack, their smiles a token for Sativa for she knew they were happy - as she was.

The thoughts of my father executing another attack was likely, for Reman was at the back of my mind - warning me. Not letting me fully enjoy the ceremony. But, I normally don't enjoy things, so that was fine.

"Do you, Romanov Ivanovich, take this woman to be yours forever?"

But before I could utter a word of agreement, all hell broke loose.


They were happy.

I saw and watched from the way they danced as their loved ones swarmed them.

"Is it done?"

"Yes," I answered into my phone as I observed the couple. "They should be here in the next three minutes."


I watched their smiles, knowing that they wouldn't last for much longer.

Because, what they didn't know, is that in the next three minutes, their lives would be torn apart.

In the next two minutes, devastation will rule.

In the next minute, no one will be able to tell what hit them.

In the next thirty seconds, their Luna will be dead.


Luna Queen (2015)
© Victoria Leslie Khan

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