25 - Epilogue

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25 - Epilogue

Two Months Later

A month later, five hundred apologies, and very sweet proposal, I was technically through with the process of forgiving Romanov.

Of course, the burning memory of what he did will forever be imprinted into my memory, but it is seeming as if he is a different man. Truly, I know that he cannot let go of his numerous habits. Such as shouting for no good reason, growling and other sorts. But, for now, Romanov was alright.

I stretched in my comfortable chair. A month later and I am officially the Luna/Luna Queen. I had my own office, but unfortunately, it took a lot of convincing to get. Still, Romanov had insisted that we have conjoining doors.

I sighed and carefully packed up the endless paperwork that I was yet to finish. My position come with work - lots of it. Which isn't very good for a procrastinator like me.

Sliding off my chair, I stick my head through the large conjoining doors. As usual, Romanov was deep into his paperwork - unlike me.

A month later, he still managed to make my breath catch. He was only dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a dark shirt, yet he looked heavenly.

Though I'll never admit it.

"I'm taking a walk," I announce quickly before he can object.


"I didn't ask for your permission."

Times when he does things like this, it makes me remember that indeed the man hasn't changed much.

"It doesn't matter."

I roll my eyes and shut the doors. Obviously, I wasn't going to listen to him. Walking out through my normal doors, I smile slightly at the respectful Pack members, my familiar friends sitting on a bench.

Zayn was reading a book, as a her three-week old daughter was being jostled about by Karl. Natalya was laughing at the scene of kids playing on the equipment, her round stomach a reminder of the news she waited so long to tell us.

Nathan had originally known all along, but he trusted her enough to tell him herself. I smiled at their obvious togetherness, then frowned as I realized Romanov could never do that - why the hell am I even thinking that I will be pregnant for him?

"He's our mate," Vienna sighed frustratedly. "Of course you're going to carry his pups."

I click my tongue in irritation, "Go away!"

Though, it isn't as if she is wrong - it will happen.

I sighed, it isn't as if Romanov and I have mated. We haven't - but, we have had a lot of moments that could potentially lead to mating. I blushed involuntarily as the memory seeped back.



Damn it was always heat.

I stared down at her withering frame as it took all in me not to lustfully attack her there and then.

I knew that I was walking on a thin rope, but as her beautiful body twisted and rolled, I couldn't help but lean down and kiss her pain away. I heard her moan, but that only accentuated my desires. I wrapped my hands around her, her sweet taste filling my mind.

Breathing hard, I pull away to allow her breathe.

"Don't stop," she commanded, pulling me closer as I kissed up and down her neck. Straying from my present mark.

She growled lowly.

"Stop playing around," she hissed, her eyes darker.


"Satisfy her," Reman controlled.

So, I did what any other male would do in my position.

I pulled my mate underneath me as I proceeded to 'satisfy' her.


I shook my head clear of the memory as I stared around the Pack.

My Pack.

Our Pack.

It was far from perfect, but that was alright, because... perfection is overrated.

At least for me.

For there is no such thing as being complete.

It is nonexistent.

And I'm fine with that - for I was never aiming to achieve completion anyway.


A/N: I updated the Epilogue, because I decided that I wanted to make it longer. So, here it is - enjoy!

Loupe Fiasco, California
USA - North America
The Main Pack Lodgings

I keep my eyes trained on television screen while deftly stuffing pieces of popcorn into my mouth. The countless reruns of Brain Games entrancing me. I barely realize a presence behind me until a familiar, rough voice fills my ears.

"All you've eaten all day is popcorn," Romanov disinterred as I kept my eyes on the screen.


"It's unhealthy," he admonished, the TV screen suddenly going black.


I turn around and put my hands on my hips, although I didn't look the least bit intimidating, judging from the look of amusement plastered on Rom's face.

Yes, I know what you're all thinking - Rom?

I don't want to talk about it.

I yelp as Romanov's large hands shoot out to grip my waist, pulling me flush against his body as I fight a blush, "What are you..."

I am cut off by his lips connecting with mine. A flurry of sparks exploding as I step on the toes of his feet for leverage - though, it wasn't enough. He must have noticed my struggle for he effortlessly picked me up as I wrapped my long legs around his waist, burying my face in his neck as he kisses up and down mine.

"I need to go," he mumbles.

"Then go," I answer his revelation.

"No," he gently places me down on the ground. "I need to go to Russia again."

I instantly step away from him, "Is this a joke?"

He shakes his head.

"Your missing my birthday, Romanov!" I exclaim, my anger and frustration building as I stared at him.

This happened all the time.

Romanov would go on a business trip for one reason or another, sometimes leaving for weeks on end.

Normally, I tolerated that.

After all, he is an Alpha King, he has to travel out.

But, not on my birthday.

"You're missing my birthday," I mutter sadly.

"No, I'm not," he pulls me back to him.


"Because," he smirks. "You're coming with me."

And with that, he captures my lips again, relieving me from thanking him with the words that I knew I didn't have.


© V.L Khan

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