22 - Commander

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22 - Commander

Location Unidentified

"So, what's your plan?"

I sit up on the gurney as Romanov finishes tying the three unconscious Incases.

"Patience," he snaps, for the first time, I am relieved to see that his wasn't really a part of his father's working.

I nod, "Fuck." I sigh at the immersion of pain coming from my wrists. I did not dare to touch them in fear of more pain resonating.

He turns to me with a slight glare, "Your hands," he muttered gently. Stalking over to me, I couldn't help but noticed that he was without a shirt - as he had used it to gag the duplicates.

I averted my gaze from his dark-jean, clad legs as I stare down at my wrists. They were raw and bleeding. Sparks made themselves known as Romanov gently picked up my wrists. He closed his eyes and muttered words in a foreign tongue as he the marks on my wrist slowly disappeared. Leaving in its place the palish skin before.

"How..." I trailed off as I stared into his holding orbs.

"I will tell you another time," he answered. "Now, I need you to act unconscious - my father still does not know that I am not par to his act."

"OK," I nodded slowly.

I bite the inside of my cheek to keep my yelping as his left hand slips under my knees, and his right on my back. I close my eyes and let my body still as he carries me gently. Obviously, keeping still is a bit of a challenge seeing as Romanov does nothing to make it easier for me to do.

"Keep still, Sativa," he admonished adamantly.

"I would if I could."

The heated sparks only made the situation worse as I feel the air rush around my cheeks - he was using his Royal Bloodline speed.

I gentle my breathing as he speeds down the various hallways. He seemed particularly familiar with the place - but, I opted against questioning him. We stopped in front of a large silver door. Romanov effortlessly pushed the heavy-looking door open, while balancing me with his left arm. I quickly shut my eyes and let my body go limp to further dramatize my act of unconsciousness.

"Drop the girl on the table," I force my inner-Wolf to remain calm at the tone of Aldag. "Tie her up properly."

"Yes, Father."

I inwardly recoiled at Romanov's submissive tone.

Never, since meeting the dominant man, have I ever heard or seen him submissive to another - and considering this was all an act; he was quite the actor.

"It's wonderful," Aldag droned as I am retraced from Romanov's warm hands and placed on a cold, metal table. "How you are finally coming to notice my authoritative figure, son."

"Yes, Father." Romanov replied robotically.

I wince as the metal chains clip themselves around my wrists. I wondered what the man's actual plans were as he pressed a small kiss to the side of my head, "I promise that you will be safe; he will not harm you."

I nod slightly - almost apprehensively. I mean, this was coming from the man who had rejected me less than a month ago; I didn't understand whether it was because the curse was broken, or something else was driving his motivation.

I wriggled my hands slightly and realized that the chains weren't tightened as to prevent the Lyman rubbing against my wrists.

I almost smiled at his sudden consideration.

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