9.5 - Luna Cycles

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9.5 - Luna Cycles

It was very simple for the Luna's Cycle to be smelt on you. And, that I suppose, is what I feared the most. The whole Pack would know, and worst of all, Romanov would know. It wasn't as if I had been in celibacy before, but for a while now, I hadn't a boyfriend. And, any sexual relations that I had involved myself with, was nothing short of quick, awkward and questioning.

Getting rid of the frustrations, would be hard. But, I had survived it before, and I could do it again. Hopefully, I could maybe hide in the forest in my Wolf form for the timings.

"What are you going to do?"

I sigh again and turn to Nathan's curious eyes, the Imodium hard mostly worn off, "I'll hide in the forest."

"You can't."

I narrow my eyes. "Why not? Nothing will happen."

"This is a dangerous Pack."

"I am aware," I nod, playing with the hem of my sweater.

"You can't stay in the forest with your Luna's Cycle," he snapped. "That's a rape sentence, Sativa." He growled lowly, glaring at nothing in particular to us.

"What do you mean?" This man never ceased to amaze me. I had never heard of a Luna's Cycles inducing rape.

"Weren't you told about this?" His face flushed again despite his infuriated look.

"No." In my former Pack, every male and female were required to attend a brief seminar. It normally took place twice. For newly turned ones, at the age of sixteen. And, for mates couples, at whatever age. Of me being so young, and as I had never found a mate, it was immediately thought that I hadn't experienced the Luna's Cycle. I couldn't tell them, for it would only deem me the true title of an unfortunate abnormality.

A name, really, that I had already taken on.

Thankfully, my Luna Cycles have lessened over the past month. And, if Romanov marks me, (an unlikely event), I will immediately go into Heat. But, that takes a full week after the marking.

I doubted that I would go through a full Luna's Cycle.

"Well," Nathan cleared his throat. "Men - sorry, males are deeply attracted to the scent of a female during their Cycle. To an extent that it could become dangerous," he looked at me in worry. "Very dangerous."

"That explains the rape," I mutter. "But, that doesn't half explain why no males bothered me during my Cycle," I chewed on my lip.

"I suppose so."

I think for a minute. The only person that knew of my Cycles, was my mother.

"Mom knew," I whisper, making a small attempt to push myself off the bed. I groan as my muscles pull in protest, I drew back my lips.

I heard him draw an almost inaudible breath, "Did she give you anything - to dim the pain, or hide the effect?"

"No, she didn't need to."

It was true. For the week, I would stay with my mother, since school was a few minutes away. During the Cycle, she would lock me in my room as I gritted for the entire week. The only logical explanation for a Lycanthrope my age to be going through a Cycle, is that I must have met him before. Which is nearly impossible, due to my parents strict curfew rules, and rejections to dating.

"Why?" He cocked a brow.

Placing my hands upon the metal of the bed, I haul myself up, thankful that I could sit up again. "You don't know, do you?" I ask, looking straight at Nathan.

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