17.5 - Deep Thoughts

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17.5 - Deep Thoughts

But, the vibrations from my phone began again. I curse lightly, digging into my pocket the retrieve the blasted piece of technology.

I still as the Caller ID reveals the person calling.

Nathan Carter.

I grit my teeth as I slide across the smooth touchscreen, Nathan thick and heavy voice filling my ears in less than one second.

"Have you told her?" His voice was clipped - always business as usual for him.

"No," I deadpanned, placing the glass near the edge of the bench. I had no intention of drinking any of that this evening. I needed to be alert for another thing.

"Excellent," he replied, his tone sending unwanted shivers down my idle body.

"Have you told her?" I ask, keeping my emotion afar from the sound of my voice.

"No," he growled through the phone's crackly service.

I gripped the cellphone tighter as I continued, "I can't hide this from her for much longer. She's not the young Lycanthrope I thought her to be. She is an intelligent girl - she is bound to find out for herself soon."

"Then let her," he snapped, insuring a current of concern for this committal.

I sighed tiredly, "How's she?"

He knew who I was talking of as he answered, "Natalya is wonderful as usual. I would thank you for your obvious disconcert - but we are not exactly acquitted are we?" I held back a sigh at his aptly, amused chuckles.

I shake my head, even if I knew he could not see me.

The silence hands uncomfortably in the air as I notice a female voice in the background. Without a doubt in my mind, I knew it belonged Natalya. His mate, and Romanov's little sister.

I wanted to hate her, but the consequences of carrying such act, could end my life.

"She's there," I mutter dryly.

I grip the edge of the bench tighter, impatiently waiting as he completes his muffled conversation with his girlfriend, seedily returning his attention further to me.

"Remember what I told you."

I swallow thickly, "How the fuck can I hold to forget it?"


I sighed, "Is that all you called to tell me of Nathan?"

He chuckles humorlessly, "I don't remember you so impatient." I chew on my bottom lip, not replying to his earlier comment. "I called to confirm that you are going through with our agreement to keep Sativa out of any suspicion of us?"

I nod hesitantly, "Listen, I don't think that we should keep this from her anymore." I scratch the back of my head lightly, guilt from my actions ailing me.

"Why the hell not?" He idly breathed into the cellphone.

"It will only hurt her."

"I suppose you're right," he says through he phone. His words say that he is close to agreeing, however his tone far from it. "I too, doubt that your father would be to happy to hear of his son's adventurous, sexual nature."

I breathe in a sharp breath, "Fuck you." I snarl, my breathes shallow as I still.

His chuckles involuntarily delight me, "Remember," he sings without a note instilled in his tone. "The clock is ticking faster, and I won't wait on you forever."

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