14.5 - Making Plans

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14.5 - Making Plans

"Are you hungry?" Keegan asked, rooting through the stocked fridge as he awaited my answer to jump to him.

"No," I murmur. But, between the slight grumbling of the stomach and Keegan's enhanced Lycanthrope hearing, there was no denying my hunger.

"Silly girl," he chested. I watch him as he pulled out a carton of eggs. "I'm afraid that they're all I've got. Will that do? I can call one of the maids to come make you something, if you want to."

I shook my head quickly, "I am fine with that - thanks."

He shrugs, "OK."

I sit patiently with my hands folded neatly on my lap, scrutinizing Keegan's every move, "I don't think it's supposed to look like this," I mutter, a cracked smile gracing my lips. The eggs that were placed on the plate looked burnt - no, they were burnt. And, I could still see some yolk and parts of the eggs, fried uncooked.

He frowns, he too is dressed in sweatpants and a workout shirt. Although his is pink and blue, "It looks alright," he protests, wiping the bead of sweat that rolled tactfully down his forehead.

I roll my eyes, "Correction; it looks like a toddler made it."

He pouts, "Meanie."

"I'm only saying the truth."

He glowers, dropping the sizzling pan in front of me. It took all that I had and my quick reflexes not to get burned by the flaming pan.

"What the hell?" I hiss, sliding off my chair, opting for aptly, standing instead.

"You make your own eggs, if they look so bad. I'll eat mine - you eat yours, OK?"

I nod, taking the pan from the table and careful to hold it by the plastic end. Keegan only watches while scoffing his gross eggs. I crack two into a bowl, mixing thoroughly before adding a pinch of salt and pepper from the shakers that sat on counter near the gas cooker.

In a matter of a minute and a half, I have perfectly scrambled eggs. I smiled victoriously down on the plate that held them. I was thankful that my mother had always insisted that I expand my culinary skills.

I place the pan and bowl into the sink, quickly rinsing them before sliding back on my seat, a fork in my hand and a plate in front of me. Keegan had stopped eating his eggs a while ago, claiming that he was full. He still watched me as I slowly took a couple of bites - they tasted good.

"Those look good," Keegan said, eyeing my plate in obviously, hidden jealously.

I smirk, "It tastes good too."

He pouts, "SatiBear."

I narrow my eyes at him, "I wouldn't advice you to call me that again," I warn, my voice stern as he only grins.

After Keegan opted to spiritually drool on my food, I just passed the remainder of it to him, which was more than half the plate. "Here," I slide over the table, earning an exalting smile from him.

"Thanks, SatiBear," he grins so wide that they reach his barely-working ears. "I knew there was a reason to your refusal to be my man."


He can't answer because he's alternating between shoveling his face with food and moaning at the tastes.

He finishes in a matter of seconds, only looking up to me with guilt in his eyes and a cleared plate, "I'm sorry, I knew you were hungry. Y'know what? I'll just make another one," he drops his plate in the sink and calls to the drying pan.

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