21 - Evil Incases

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21 - Evil Incases

Location Unidentified

Being an Alpha King, my senses were unlimitedly heightened. Morphing back into my human form, I run my hands through my hair as I stalk through the dark forest. I was close - for her delicious scent radiated through my nose; torturing me with the fact that it was so fucking close - yet so far.

"Bridgette," Klaus muttered at the back of my near distracted mentality.

It had seemed, that now my father was breathing again, it had triggered something in the Wolf. Bridgette's unwanted prescience in the pain of being run over by a loaded truck must have allowed him to remember just what kind of person Bridgette is. She was a girl that wasn't to be trusted, and I, for one, had grown tired of her ill ministrations.

I would have killed her the moment I knew she was alive. But, Klaus was not one to bargain such a deal.

Reman had proved more powerful than Klaus - which seemed near impossible due to the fact that Klaus was even more powerful than me. It must be Sativa's mark, a mark that ran deeper than a physical mark. But then again, a mental mark is done unconsciously - though the effect of it is endless.

I had a fair share of where Aldag kept my mate. It was a place that I feared for her safety - then again, when the hell am I not caring for her safety? I gritted my teeth, it was one of his many warehouses. He would take Kiev and I here when his schemes and testings upon us got to loud for the ears and minds of the Pack; who he feared would report him to Elders.

However, nobody dared to report his acts. For the knew that he was a powerful man, and he could always send people to do the murdering for him swiftly.

No traces back to him.

No suspicions.

And, as we were a Fascist Pack - the Elders generally had no business in our work. Except, when they requested to bring a criminal to justice by using the sentencing of an Alpha.

Much like Sativa's case.

I growled lowly as I thought of all the shit that Aldag had in that warehouse. But, because I had marked her, I would feel every damn pain.

Of course, it would not be as profound as is she had marked me physically. It was easier to find her because I had a hold on her.

A Soulmate's hold.

One that I had tried many time to sever unsuccessfully.

I quicken my pace as the sight of the warehouse gets closer. An old cigarette factory; one that had closed down due to a flash fire in the eighties. Sticking my hands into my pockets, I let a slow smirk slide unto the creases of my scarred face.

I would enjoy watching myself murder my father a second time in nothing that is short of a hundred years.

I chuckle humorlessly, "I cannot begin to count how many that have the 'privilege' to say that."


Location Unidentified

The cold metal slid across my cheeks as I snapped my eyes open, only for them to meet with the eyes of Aldag.

"Awake?" It was more of a rhetorical question as I warily eyed the Swiss knife that slid its way up and down my bruised cheek. "I was awaiting your arrival."

I swallowed thickly.

This time, I was no long in a cell. I was on a long, white gurney - one that was situated in a dimly lit room.

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