19 - Anathema

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19 - Anathema

Azoic, Rostov Oblast
North Russia - Russian Fed; Population: 82,356 Romanov's Estate House

"He'll be fine."

I nod my head furiously at Vladimir's 'comforting' words, "I was not worried."

"Mhmm," Natalya's eyebrows shot up as she stuffed a piece of chicken into her mouth. I seemed to be the only one that cared of the man - and that scared me.

"I wasn't," I falsely protest.

"Listen," Keegan noisily chewed on his spaghetti. "I know Romanov, he's the fiercest Alpha King there is. And, he's immortal - the worst he will feel is a pain."

I shrug, not answering properly as I swirl the red noodles around my silver fork. I had told them of my vision, but of course, they had all taken it the wrong way. I would always worry for the stubborn man - after all, he is my mate; whether I try to always deny it or not.

Dinner was loud, and although I didn't eat much to fulfill my growling stomach, it was enough to get my mind off my tomorrow acts.

Tomorrow, is April first.

I bite my lip, my appetite is long gone as we all retreat to our rooms, Vladimir bidding us a safe night as Natalya follows me into my room despite my plays for a headache. Keegan wanted to follow too, but I denied - originally, before allowing him into my room; something I knew I'll regret.

"So, what's the plan?"

Keegan and I give each other knowing glancing. I sighed gently, Natalya had wanted to know what exactly we were going to do to keep me alive and break the curse. I had contemplated and decried to tell Natalya the whole truth about Vladimir's plan to go against Romanov's will of making me forget about us and him being my idle mate.

At first, the seduction was to make him gentler as he realized the truth of our plan - and, my powers will be limitless. The only problem in this otherwise daring plan is the fact that Romanov is a very unpredictable man. I hadn't expected him to mark me, yet he did. I could never tell what his reaction to the plan will be, and that veered me.

It could be a positive one.

Or a, negative one.

Vladimir had said that it was alright to tell her, but I just didn't know where to start. But thankfully, Keegan seemed to know just exactly what I did not.

He told her, in grave detail of the days from when he had met me. He told her of the Alpha's Meeting, and of Romanov's thinkings that the plan was going his way, and the intentions for midnight tomorrow, how exactly it was planned.

"What if he doesn't show up?" It was the first question she asked after hearing Keegan finish. I cocked a brow at her question, it was one that kept me up in bed.

"We can only hope, Honey."

I give Keegan a stare at his answer. But, he was right.

"I marked him mentally," I cross my legs on the desk of my chair, staring at Keegan and Natalya who were both sprawled out on my bed. "So, Vladimir tells me that my marking is enough to give Romanov's real Wolf a fair advantage over Klaus."

She nods thoughtfully, "That is true; and very intelligent."

"But, what if it doesn't work?" I ask, my tone a little sharper than I intended.

"It will," Natalya smiled gently. "Now, tomorrow is a long day - and if I am not mistaken, you have a headache?" I give her a little smile as she hauls herself off the bed, dragging a complaining Keegan behind her as she gently closed the day, managing a quick 'goodnight', before she did.

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