18 - Chilling Out

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18 - Chilling Out

Azoic, Rostov Oblast
North Russia - Russian Fed; Population: 82,356
Romanov's Estate House

A wolf.

I pushed the sleeve of my white, V-Neck shirt aside to investigate the fatal mark Romanov imprinted on my shoulder. It was directly between my right shoulder blade and my neck. It was tingling, even when I wasn't touching it. I cocked my head to the side to get a clearer view of the ill mark.

Sighing, I tear my gaze away from the mirror. It had been almost two days since no one had heard of Romanov. I had prepared myself mentally and physically for death. Even if, Vladimir and Keegan have both never failed to be there and remind me that I wasn't going to die. I patted my hair down, turning on my heel as I follow Vladimir down the narrow hallways.

"When is Natalya supposed to be here?" I asked, fumbling with my fingers behind my erectly, apt back.

"In about an hour or so."

I nod, maintaining my excitement. Vladimir had gone to the ends to fulfill my wish of Natalya coming here for the reminder of the time before April first. The death sentence for the mark wasn't due in a month - so I had until April twenty-seventh to live. But, since the only full moon in that space will be on April first, I wasn't hopeful that Romanov would show up. I doubted he could fight off such a powerful, ancient Alpha like Klaus. It didn't just seem logically practical.

And, I was fine with that.

The only thing I might regret not living for, is to rip out the throats of the bastards that had the idle audacity to kill my parents.

Plus, after the month of the trial, I could be happy with him deeming me a Rogue. I would've have already been marked my Romanov - and that was enough to provide me with the basic skills and talents of surviving a Rogue - without having to mate with him, at all; thankfully.

Maya had left earlier this morning with the grounds of visiting family somewhere in the Eastern territory, apparently that was where her Pack was. I had promised her that my questions were unforgotten as she showered me with explicit curses. I would've reminded her who had the upper-hand then, but I was too preoccupied with my life.

"You are not going to die," I sighed at Vladimir's words.

Nathan wasn't going to be able to accompany Natalya since their Alpha was absent, and all the Warriors were needed. God, what I wouldn't do to go back to Nevada and see my parents. They were kept in a morgue, and I sometimes sat outside their freezer door and talked to them. I had never yet pulled the courage to see them directly. Sticking my hands into the pocket of my fading jeans, I follow Vladimir until we reach the cool yet warm oxymora of the Russian sun.

I cock a querying brow, "Just, why are we out here?"

"We are out here," he pulled on my arm as I planted my feet to the ground. "Because you need some sunshine to light those dark shadows that litter your young spirit."

I sigh, "Vladimir."

"Whatever excuse you may have, I don't want to hear it."

"I don't think this is wise," I chide, pushing my hair away from my face. All that I wanted to do was curl up in the library and read until I fall into my alluring sleep.

"Follow me."

I let out a breathe of frustration as I follow him.

My combat boots slugged against the melting snow as I walked on, the crunching sounds unnerving. I couldn't lie - the backyard of Romanov's large house was beautiful and peaceful, making me wonder where everyone seemed to idly be.

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