9 - Luna Cycles

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9 - Luna Cycles

Loupe Fiasco, California
USA - North America
The Main Pack Lodgings

I remained still. It was as if every molecule in my body teamed-up together to deny me any sort of movement.

They were both scraggly. Brown ratty fur, commiserated with bald patches, thin legs and a short, small stature. My Wolf was a full head taller than them with my six-foot frame - but, that didn't give me any consolation. These wolves, not judging size, were extremely dangerous.

I crouch and growl lower, baring my teeth. It was all that I had - stalling. Hopeful that a member of the Pack would come. But, as the reality sunk in, I kept from faltering. All of the Pack members were at a dinner.

So, it was four against one.

I hold back a whimper as the smallest of the wolves pounce. Landing on my back as I tumble a few feet. I cough, struggling to get the underestimated wolf off of me. I claw at its belly, thankful that it whimpered and stalked away. Flipping myself back on my feet, I growl at the wolves. Not an ounce of weight behind my growls, or attack stances.

All of a sudden, I was running. I was pushing my legs further and further. But, I hadn't run in a long time. I snap as two of the wolves claw at my back, I could feel the warm, thick substance of blood slipping down my back. Clenching my teeth into one of their ankles, I fling the wolf aside, the loud crunchy that was heard, being satisfying.

I stared at him for a while, he didn't get back up.

A loud growl emanated from the biggest one. I stumble back a few feet. This one sounded like he was of a powerful rank. It didn't add up - this was Alpha blood running through this rogue. But, that was impossible. Rogues were made up of outcasts - rejects and traitors - what could an Alpha; worse, an Alpha's son, have done to deserve such fate? It didn't add up; something was off.

Before I had time to think again, I was thrown off my feet. I feel my ribcage press and the tree comes in contact with the tree. Sliding up, I shake my large head and charge at the wolves again - but this time, I was injured. Wavering, I halt my charge, but begin limping towards the wolves.

I didn't heal as fast as a mated wolf, I just wasn't as fast. And, I hated Romanov for doing that to me. I crouch again, despite my the pain in my ribcage, I sprint up to the wolves, snarling. But, once again, I am thrown off my feet - but it is not by the rogues acts.

It was different wolf. At first, I tell myself that it is the first wolf that I hit against a tree - he had healed now. But, the scent is not one of the rogues, it's one of the Pack's - and, of high-ranking as well. It couldn't be the Alpha - not enough power came from the wolf. A high-ranked male, definitely assured. I growl lowly as he lightly pushes me towards the direction of the Pack's land.

He had a scent of Canadian pinecones and honey buns.


He licks my nose. I pull away at the unfamiliar act as I snarl at the large, chocolate-colored wolf. It was large, taller than me by a foot and a half. The wolf points his head in the direction of the Pack. I raise my head and growl slightly at the ask of defeat. I didn't want or need anyone interfering with my battle, but I was hurt; and it would be foolish of me to reject his offer for my own protection.

Huffing, I turn to give the Rogues a last glare. The high-ranked one staring at me with a look of something more determined in his eyes - almost like a promise. It wasn't a good one, it was one that gave me chills that ran down my spine. And, as a dominant female, I only felt it was right to return it.

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