23 - Luna Queen

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23 - Luna Queen

Loupe Fiasco, California
USA - North America
The Main Pack Lodgings

Blinking my eyes open, I stare up at the ceiling as the birds outside my room tweeted happily; as if there was something excellent to look forward to today.

I disagreed with them.

I sighed as I snuggled further into the bed, reluctant to begin me day as my stomach knotted itself. Today, I am becoming the Luna Queen. Hell, I barely know how to organize my life. Yet, I am being thrusted into the position of accompanying Romanov as his mate and rightfully fitting my place as Luna Queen very respectably.

I briefly wondered what I could do to get myself out of the situation.

"Sativa," Vienna crossed my mind again. Since the marking, it was getting harder and harder for me to block her out of my mind. "You were born to lead."

I remain silent, succumbing to what looks to be motivational prep-talk from my Wolf. I needed one.

"You cannot underestimate yourself any longer. If the Moon Goddess hadn't thought you worthy of such a position, then you wouldn't be mated to an Alpha King." I take in her words as she goes on. "I guess what I am trying to say is that you should give yourself a chance. After the hell we've been through over the past month, it is the least you can do for us."

"What if something goes wrong?" I ask softly. "Or, I mess up as usual?"

"Have faith in yourself."

I sigh harshly, rubbing my tired eyes. "I am weak."

"No, you're not."

"I am too scared of rejection," I admit softly.

"From who?"

"His Pack," I mumble.

"Since when did you care of what other people think about you?"

I shrug.

"Remember," I can feel her grin. "All this is coming from the same girl who trespassed into enemy lines, then blatantly disrespected the Pack members of the Alpha King, then murdered his Beta - and then set the entire Law Hall on fire - in the space of two freaking days."

I can't help a chuckle.

"Sometimes," I let a grin crawl in. "I can't help but be thankful you're here."

"Yeah, me too."

The silence hangs.

"Hey, Sativa?" Vienna gains my attention again.

"Hmm?" I hum in reply.

"Good luck today."

I sigh, "Thanks, Vienna."

"And remember," she added. "If you need anything; anything at all, I am only less than a thought away."

"Vice versa."

With that, she slips away from my mind with perfect timing as a prominent knock sounds at my door.

I barely manage a reply as Zayn and Natalya stick their heads through the door, beaming at me. "Good morning," they both exclaim, making me wince.

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