10.5 - Weird News

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10.5 - Weird News

"Fine," I breathe out. "So, supposing I find this Bridgette girl, what do I say to her - anything specific?"

He sighed, "Just give her the paper. And, trust me, she will find you before you find her." I cock a brow at his words. I don't say anything else as I stuff the piece of paper into my jacket pocket.

"Whatever," I mutter.

"Thank you," he sounded genuinely pleased. "And, don't let Romanov see that."

"Why not?" I arch a brow.

"He thinks she is dead."

I sigh once more. Only the Lord knows what I am getting myself entangled with. I mutter a quick prayer. I had promised myself to repay him and I keep my promises - mostly.

I stand there as I head more shuffling, "I will leave now, but please, remember this."

I nod, "I will."

Normally, I would never have let some stranger fill my head with such shit. But, somewhere deep, deep down, there was truth to it.

I watch as he slides the door open, but my hand shoots out to grab his arm, "Wait," I blush profusely as he looks down at my arm on his. I let it drop as I clear my throat, curious me, "Who are you?"

"Kiev." He said, smiling lightly at me. The small sliver of light let me see his features. Of course, he was towering over me, around his half-brother's six-foot-six. Chocolate brown eyes that shone lightly, and a contrasting blondish locks.

A light, fading scar ran up the side of his cheek, and his slightly crooked nose reminded me of his danger.

"Nice to meet you, Kiev," I smile. A real one this time - surprisingly. He must have noticed because he grinned.

"You too, Sativa."

I cock my head and let an amused smile slip unto my face. I watched him until he disappeared down the endless hallways. Sighing, I glance up at the early afternoon sky. Smiling up at it, I push on my jacked pocket, hearing the rustle of the note that Kiev gave me.

I didn't knew who this Bridgette was, or how she had affected him so much.

But, I couldn't help the feeling of imminency that settled over my thoughts. I had a feeling, that this Bridgette was going to be little more than she seems to be to me, as of right now.

And, I couldn't tell wether that was a good thing, or not. But, for now, I was content with not knowing.

Sometimes, only sometimes, some secrets were created to be left in the dark for life.

And this, was one of them.

I could feel it.


Loupe Fiasco, California
USA - North America
The Halcyon Forest - The Village of Comers Fallen

(PG-13) Strong language and a caption of violence.
I was ready to kill.

I was ready to extract the life from the ones who dared to lay hand on what is mine. Baring my teeth, I growl as I softly shut the door of her hospital room. It was a private one; but I wanted to be able to keep an eye on her without the ears of the Pack being in range.

I did not feel guilty for injecting her with medicine against her will. I had done what was necessary - she needed time to heal. Something that is not possible to do without my aid. A simple touch was all that I needed to guarantee her good health; an act that I do not care for her to know about - or to realize.

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