11 - Backfired Plans

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11 - Backfired Plans

Loupe Fiasco, California
USA - North America
Border Line of the two Nevadan Packs and the only Californian Pack

"Russia," I nervously wring my hands together as Natalya stared at me, her usual smile placed upon her lips. "I don't know what for, but it is something of a curse," I finish, pulling my legs up to my chest as I lean my head on the headboard.

"It's not that bad," she reasoned, patting down her raven locks and straightening her navy blue halter skirt. From what I gathered, she had an outing with Nathan not too from now. "Just think about it like a fun adventure in Russia."

"A fun adventure?" I cock a brow as late afternoon sun shone profusely in my eyes.

"Yeah," she nodded, smiling enthusiastically. I sigh and bite my lip, the reality of the situation dawning on me.

"But, why does he want to get rid of the curse when he made it clear that he did
not want me?" I ask, the new question dawning me.

"Honestly," she sighed, holding my hand in hers. "I don't know. I think it may have something to do with him wanting to get rid of his Wolf." For a moment, she looked scared, then her expression changed into one of deftly, hidden mistake.

"Why would he want to get rid of his Wolf?" I ask. It was extremely rare for a Lycanthrope to want to get rid of his or her Wolf. Yes, it occurred in the special occasions of possessing an Artificial Wolf. Surely, that had to be far from his case.

"I don't know," I could immediately sense her lie.

"Yes, you do."

She finally sighs and averts her eyes, "It's true, I am telling you the truth, Sativa."

"No," I narrow my eyes.

"Fine," she inhales a sharp breath. "I know a little of it."

I fight the urge to let my anger show, I was quite impatient. "Tell me, then."

I didn't mean to snap, but the stress, again, is taking a bad toll on me. Normally, my insomnia would take care of the stress-levels, but this time, I really needed more than sleepless nights.

She sighed again, looking softly at me, "I hate to do this again, but, that is his tale to tell, not mine Sativa."

I swallow my irritation, "That's fine," I run my hands through my hair, sighing.

I watch her as she glances down at her watch, before smiling sadly at me, "I have to go," she says regretfully. I have no chance of a reply as she engulfs me in a hug, the strange act causing my mouth to open and close repeatedly. It wasn't as if she had never hugged me before - actually, this was the second time. It was just the fact of the unusual act. I won't lie, my mother would hug me from time to time, but it was nothing short of quick, awkward then silent.

"Bye," the corners of my lips rise up in an attempt of a smile. Notice, an attempt.

"Yeah," she smiled beautifully. "Remember, don't forget about the note."

Before I can question her knowledge on the topic that I was sure that I hadn't shared with her, she was out of the room. Rolling my eyes, I uncross my long legs and stretch. I knew that I was supposed to meet with Maya and Romanov at half past four, but it was a few minutes to five now. I take a deep breath as I pull on my combats, lacing them up with more vigor than usual.

Romanov hadn't allowed me a thing from my room. Not that I had any personal belongings. My two backpacks had been seized by the Pack, and they still had possession of it. The only thing that I had left was a pair of jeans, and ripped shirt, and my worn-down, 1998 Doc Martens.

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