Call Me Later

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I sat on the bar stool swinging my legs back and forth watching Scar and his friend Billy interrogated the men that were following us. Bucky and Steve were on either side of me watching but I could tell that they weren't pleased with how the boys were dealing with our current situation.

"I think they are ready to talk now," Scar said, wiping blood on the man's shirt, "What do you want me to do with the others?"

"I'd rather not know," I said as the boys looked at me, "I'm not with the right company if you know what I mean,"

Scar laughed and nodded, "I know what you mean, bubs,"

I grinned as his green eyes caught mine, "How is life?"

"Better now you're here," Scar winked at me and I rolled my eyes, "Life is as good as it can be. The boss keeps asking after you,"

"Tell him to stop then," I said, jumping from the stool and Scar put his arm around mine.

"Which one of them is your man?" He asked quietly and I heard Bucky scoff.

"It doesn't matter how quiet you speak, they can hear you,"

"No shit," Scar laughed, "You've found your people, bubs,"

"Tell me about it," I rolled my eyes and the man tied to the chair chuckled, "I see you find that funny,"

The man coughed and nodded, "Monsters. They aren't people. They are lab experiments compared to you,"

"Huh," I said crouching in front of him. Scar handed me a tissue and I wiped some blood away from the man's face, "Did you want to voluntarily tell me why you were following us or would you like me to get someone else?"

"We have been following you for months," The man smirked, "You are good at what you do and you were trained well. It was a shame that we let you get away. All those years we had you, you were the perfect soldier. Our perfect little machine. The only one we know of that was born with super-solider enhancements. My boss wants you back and he is willing to do anything to get you,"

I had to keep as calm as I could. I didn't want to remember the years of pain and years of being forced to do their jobs, "I see. Then why isn't he here to tell me? Or is he still too scared to get too close to me,"

The man cut his eyes to mine but didn't say anything with made me grin.

"Interesting," I said standing up, "I don't blame him. After what he tried to do to me, I'm not surprised. How is the little stump at his shoulder?"

"You made a big mistake when you did that. You should never have taken his arm,"

"Then he should never have touched me," I said.

"Where is your boss?" Steve asked stepping forward.

"I didn't think you'd be friends with good people," The man chuckled, "Do they know who you really are? Do they know what you have done?"

"What she has done has nothing to do with what Hydra has done," Bucky said.

"Well, lookie here," The man looked at Bucky, "The Winter Soldier still lives. I'm told you go by another name,"

"Yes. Bucky Barnes," Bucky said.

"And has your precious little bitch told you her real name?" He laughed, "I will tell you. We know everything there is to know about her,"

"I would stop talking," Scar said, "Not a good idea to piss her off,"

"L-" He began to talk but the rest of his words were cut off by blood gurgling in his mouth. I ripped the knife from his throat and tossed it across the pub.

"I'll see you in Hell," I whispered in his ear and watched as the life drained from his pathetic face.

"I...why?" Steve said, turning me to face him, "Was there a need?"

"I don't have to explain anything to you, Stevie Boy," I said.

Scar patted Steve on the back, "Let her wash her hands,"

Once I washed the man's blood from my hand I was met with a drink. Scar leant on the bar beside me and folded his arms.

"They like you," He said.

"So they should. I'm a fucking delight," I smiled.

"How did you get caught up with the Avengers?"

"They kidnapped me and now I'm being paid by them," I said, "It's a similar story to how I met you,"

Scar laughed, "So true, bubs. But my boss caught us in bed together,"

I felt Bucky glare at me, "We shouldn't probably get going,"

"I agree. Tony says he doesn't feel like he has the right address," Steve said.

"Billy, do you still have the bikes out the back?"

"I do," Billy said, "Want them?"

"I'll never so no," I said and I walked over to the boys, "Ready?"

"Do you sleep with everyone you work for then?"

I looked at Bucky, "No. I don't make it a habit,"


"Why is that any of your business anyway?"

"No reason,"

I scoffed, "Sounds like you are jealous,"

"Why would I be jealous of him? What is so good about him?"

"He's smart, funny and ruggedly handsome. Despite who he is and the scar, he is a really nice bloke and wouldn't be disrespectful in any way. That is what is good about him,"

"Sure, sure,"

"But..." I paused and pulled Bucky down so I could whisper in his ear, "He isn't you. He doesn't have the metal hand that could choke me as I get fucked hard. He doesn't have the grumpy stare you have when you're jealous and he knows that I won't sleep with him again. You, on the other hand, still might be in for another chance. That is why you are better,"

Bucky sucked in a deep breath and I patted his cheeks hard.

"Who wants to ride shotgun?" I asked, "We only have two bikes,"

"I will," Steve said, "If Sharon sees us pulling up with Bucky behind you, she will suspect something,"

"Great," I sighed, "Boys, it's been a pleasure. See you scumbags around,"

"Hey, Blue?" Scar smirked, "Call me later,"

"Don't count on it, Maximilian," I grinned at him and he flipped me the finger. I laughed as I walked out of the pub.

"That's his real name?" Steve asked as I swung my leg over the bike.

"Yeah. Scar wasn't born into this world. His parents were rich but he hated that life. He rebelled and Mr Maximilian Windsor became someone completely different," I patted the seat behind me, "Hop on board, daddy. Time to rescue your friends,"

"Again, don't call me that!"

"You are a daddy though,"

"Just drive," Bucky said, taking a helmet from Billy.

"Look after yourself, Blue," Billy said, "There are people in this world that won't go easy on you because you're a girl,"

I nodded, "It's one of the reasons I'm in this mess. See you,"

I revved my engine and Steve grabbed my waist as I sped off down the back alley and onto the city streets.


A/N: I imagine Scar as Henry Cavill fyi~

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