Carried Like A Princess

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I never knew how much a person could piss you off until I met Blue. Everything about her pissed me off.

The blueness of her eyes, the shape of her damn ass and how she joked around with everyone in her vicinity. Even the way she flirted with Steve annoyed me. It was as if she was interested in him and I was the only one who was pissed off about it. I ran my tongue over my teeth and sat back in my chair, folding my arms.

Steve whispered something in her ear and it made her laugh loudly. What the hell did he tell her?

"If you two are going to be flirting all night," Tony said, "You can leave. I don't want my dinner to be ruined,"

"Speaking of dinner," Thor said, "Where are you planning on taking us?"

"I am also intrigued," Loki said, "I am hungry,"

"Where did you want to eat?" Blue asked, playing with Steve's ear. I was going to blow a fuse, "I know a few decent restaurants that I'm sure Gods would enjoy as well,"

"I will eat anything, my darling,"

"Ooh," Blue smirked, "Say that again. I liked that,"

Loki scoffed but I saw the blush on his face, "You mortals are easily amused,"

Blue laughed, "True. Buckster, any idea?"

My eyes shot to her, "Buckster?"

"Would you prefer I call you something else?" She asked, tilting her head slightly, "I have a few I could call you,"

"I don't care what I eat,"

"You'd like to eat Blue," Wanda said, just below a whisper and I elbowed her.

"I don't give a shit," I said, "Let's just go and fucking eat, ok?"

"Someone woke up with an attitude," Blue said, "Did your nap do you no good?"

I took a deep breath, "It was a little disappointing,"

"Then maybe you should go for another nap," Blue rolled her eyes, "I know a good kebab restaurant?"

"Does it do shawarma?" Tony asked, "Because the first time I fought aliens, I managed to convince these goons to try some,"

"I liked it," Thor said.

"And where was my brotherly invite?" Loki asked.

"You were back in Asgard after you were the one to bring those aliens to Earth,"

"Ah. Of course," Loki chuckled, "How could one forget?"

"I heard you got your ass kicked by Hulk," Blue grinned widely, "How did that feel?"

"A feeling I would not like to feel again," Loki said, "Now, shall we go?"

"Good idea," Blue said getting to her feet, "I just need to change,"

"You mean put some clothes on?" Sharon asked, "Whore,"

"How did you manage to weasel your way back in?" Blue asked, "Or did you slither through the vents like the serpent you are?"

"I was called. I have contacts here who work on the right side of the law," Sharon scoffed.

"Right, right," Blue said, putting her hands on her head, revealing her stomach slightly, "Or are you back because you want some super-dick?"

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