Who's Your Friend?

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I didn't want to leave her but I had no choice. I had to get back to New York for a mission. When she kissed me goodbye, I almost phoned Steve and told him I couldn't make it but she shoved me out of the door, smiling as she closed it on my face.

I ran my hands through my hair and stared out the window as Tony spoke about the next mission. I wasn't listening. Not that anyone noticed. They were too focused on the photo in front of them. From what I did hear, this guy was a new experiment and Hydra had released him into the city.

"Bucky will go in and make sure he doesn't escape. Sam, I want you with him," Tony said bringing me back to reality, "This scientist cannot escape. Once we have him in our custody then the lab can be destroyed,"

"When do we move?" Sam asked.

"I still have Nat going through some logistics and hopefully sunrise,"

"Um...what is this lab?" I asked and everyone turned to face me, "What?"

"Were you not paying attention?"

"Not really,"

"Jesus," Toby rubbed the bridge of his nose, "A serum that is similar to the one that you and Steve were injected with. From my contacts, there have been a few failures and then some successes. It's dangerous and we need to stop them before it gets onto the black market,"

"Right. Got you,"

"What were you thinking of?" Wanda smirked at me.

"Stay out of my head, witch," I said pointing at her.

"It's hard when you think so loud," She laughed.

I had my gun ready as I pushed the door open to the container and I slowly went down the stairs with Sam close behind me. The next door was open and I found the scientist with his back to us, staring at the computer in front of him.

"Hands up," Sam said but he got no response.

I frowned and put my gun away, "Shit,"


"This," I said spinning the chair around, "Someone got to him before us. The blood is still warm,"

"Shit. Who the hell could do this and not be on the radar?"

I sighed, "Grab anything that Tony needs and we can burn this to the ground,"

I jogged back upstairs and before I reached the top step, a foot came in contact with my chest and I was sent back down.

"You should be careful on stairs," Sam said, helping me up, "Old man,"

"Shut up. Someone kicked me," I said rushing back. I looked around with my gun pulled and saw no one, "Tony?"

"Yes?" He said in my ear.

"Are we alone? Someone just kicked me. Who else is in the area?"

"No one that I can see. Wait, my cameras are down. We are coming to you,"

I turned around and cried out slightly as a fist was thrown at me. I just about missed it but she swept my foot and I dropped to the floor.

The woman barely gave me enough to roll over before she was slamming a knife onto the ground beside me.

"Sam!" I yelled, "A little help !"

I scrambled to my feet and saw my gun on the floor. She kicked it far away and stood staring at me, making me feel sick.

Her brown hair covered her face and the mask she wore was the same as my old one. She wore combat gear with guns and lives attached to her legs, with her midriff on show. But what made me feel sick was her left arm was metal, with a big red star on it.

"Who the hell is this?!" Sam exclaimed, "She looks like you!"

"She's strong," I said, "Tony, now would be a good time to show up,"

"Who's your friend?" Tony asked landing behind her, "Sister?"

In seconds, the woman was surrounded by everyone but she didn't flinch. Her eyes never left mine and I blinked. I wish I never blinked because she was in front of me, going to stab me.

"Fuck!" I yelled as the life slashed my side and she kneed me in the freshly made wound making me grunt in pain.

"Don't let her leave!" Tony yelled as she took off at a sprint. She was much faster than Steve and me.

There was the sound of screeching wheels and then silence. She had gotten away.

"God. This hurts," I said through gritted teeth.

"Let's get you back, pal," Steve said lifting me to my feet, "You're lucky you're enhanced,"

"I blinked," I said through gritted teeth, "I blinked and she was in front of me,"

"I know. I saw. I've never seen someone move so fast,"

"Her arm. That can't be real. Right? It has to be fake!"

"Let's think about one thing at a time. Like getting you sorted and back to the tower,"

"I promised her I wouldn't get hurt," I whispered and Steve laughed, "What is so funny?"

"You are so whipped. It's been a few days since you've seen her and you are still smiling. I'm glad,"

"You don't have me?" I asked as he sat me down on the plane.

Steve frowned, "Why would I hate you?"

"Blue," I said and he sighed.

"Buck, you're my best friend. Till the end of the line," He said, grabbing a bandage, "I'm never going to let a girl get between us even if we feel the same way towards her,"

"She's a sneaky one," Clint said walking toward us, "Red Wing couldn't catch the bike and she caught my arrow!"

"Where did she go?" Steve asked.

"Off the radar," Tony muttered and shook his head, "Whoever she is working for obviously didn't want us to have the scientist. Everything was there including the recipe for the serum and every damn vial of it,"

"That doesn't make sense," I said.

"I think we interrupted her," Nat said, "Which means we will most likely be seeing her again,"

"Great," I said sarcastically and I groaned in pain, "I'll wear a better stab-proof vest next time,"


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