I Hate Mine

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The only way Blue was allowed out of her cell, was if she was handcuffed. We both know she could break the cuffs if she wanted to but I think she wanted out of the cell.

"Are you hungry?" Steve asked as she sat down at the breakfast bar.

"Have you poisoned it?" She asked.


"I don't trust you," Blue said staring at him, "I trust Bucky,"

"You can trust him," I said and she shook her head, "Why not?"

"Because you understand my pain. He...no. I don't trust him," She said quietly.

"Buck, it's ok," Steve said, "I wouldn't trust my cooking either,"

"What did you want to eat?" I asked and she shrugged.

"The pasta was nice,"

"I can do that again. Can Steve sit with you?"


Steve took my seat as I started cooking for her. I could see him looking at her every now and then and his eyes kept drifting to her metal arm that she had covered up.

Her bright blue eyes had become dull and I was missing the fire behind them.

"Oh," Nat said walking into the kitchen, "We were going to order pizza,"

I shrugged, "Blue wanted pasta,"

"How are you feeling?" Nat asked and Blue shrugged, "Did you want to get some fresh air? I'm going to the roof,"

"No," Blue said, "Only if Bucky comes,"

"I see," Nat said with a smirk, "Then we can always go after everyone eats?"


"When I said she could come out of the cell," Tony said walking towards us, "I didn't mean she can come here. She is still-"

"Shut up, Tony," Steve said, "She isn't going to do anything,"

"You're only saying that because you love her,"

"So fucking what?" Steve said getting to his feet and blocking her from view, "I'm not trying to get with her. I'm trying to gain her trust. She trusts Bucky. Blue has been through trauma so just leave it,"

"Well, I can't. Blue, you need to go back to the lab," He said, "Bruce has his results,"

"After she eats," I said.

"No, right now,"

"Bucky, it's ok," Blue said pulling the cuffs apart with ease, "Listen, metal dude, I could have killed every single person in the building by now but I didn't. I promised Bucky I would behave but you are pissing me off. I don't like you,"

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