Where Is She?

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Blue hadn't spoken for the last week. After hearing an old friend was murdered by Hydra, she shut down. She barely ate and barely got out of bed. I was the one to carry her to the bathroom and try to give her something to eat. The brightness in her eyes was now gone and I was slowly beginning to think it was never coming back.

Aiden couldn't get her to talk and every time he came into the room she would turn her back on him until he left. Wanda was unable to read her thoughts and it broke my heart to see her so fragile. She cried herself to sleep as I tried to soothe her.

I ran my hand over my face and Steve patted my back.

"How is she?"

"Bad," I shook my head, "I don't know what to do. I know she spoke highly of Billy. Aiden told me how close they were and they were more like siblings. Steve, I'm at a loss,"

"Tony is working on tracking them down. They have to be in New York. They wouldn't have killed a friend of Blue's without staying in the area," He said, "You'll get her back,"

"I hope so," I whispered.

"Don't give up on her,"

Tony then walked into the room, "Board room. Now,"

"Are you sure?"

"I can't be bothered with statistics today but I'm certain they are hiding here. It's close to Blue's safe house and-"

"Which safe house?" I asked quietly.

Tony's eyes went wide, "Get your shit. We have to move now,"

I rushed out of the room and to my bedroom where I had left Blue asleep. But the bed was empty and so was the bathroom.

"Fuck!" I snapped, "Blue!?"

Panic set in and I was in front of Steve in seconds. I grabbed him by the arms.

"She's gone!"

"What? How?"

"I don't know. Steve. What do I do?"

Steve walked me back to the others who were ready to leave and Wanda gasped, covering her mouth obviously reading my mind.

"She hacked into the security system," Tony said.

"She's gone to find them," Nat said, "Shit. She's going to get herself killed!"

"Or brainwashed," Loki sighed, "I'll find her,"

Loki closed his eyes and I was pacing. Every negative thought was going through my head and Steve grabbed my wrist, making me stop.

"We'll get her back," He said, "Have more faith in her,"

"It has nothing to do with that," I snapped, "I'm worried that Hydra will make her into what they want. That scientist she had locked up is one of the main operatives. She is going to suffer under his hands,"

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