Hydra Bitch

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Sharon glared at me as Steve climbed off the bike and lifted me off. I slipped my arm around his waist and Bucky tutted behind me. I looked over my shoulder and winked at him making him smile slightly.

"How can you call this a hotel?" Tony asked.

"I told you that it wasn't a normal hotel," I said, "No one will kill you and no one will take photos of you,"

I let go of Steve and pushed open the door. The others followed me in and let out a low whistle.

"I wasn't expecting this looking at the building," Sam said, "How did you come across this?"

"You make good friends in my line of work," I said, "The bar is open 24 hours but you serve yourself. This isn't a place where people come to work. It's a place where people come to hide. If you do see people walking around, just ignore them. I'll show you to your rooms,"

"Steve, did you want to share with me?" Sharon asked.

"Sharon, keep your claws out of Steve. He doesn't want you. I thought I warned you about this," I said pointing at her, "Stevie is going to be sharing with me. His girlfriend,"

"I'm sorry, did I hear you correctly?" Tony said.

"Follow me to your rooms," I muttered.

I was humming a song and reading while Steve was hanging shirts up in the wardrobe. I let out a sigh and rolled onto my back, throwing my book onto the floor.

"Can I ask you something, Stevie?"


"Why can't you tell Sharon that you aren't interested?"

"I've tried," Steve said dropping onto the bed next to me. He put his hands behind his head and stared at the ceiling with me, "She is stubborn and won't take no for an answer. I've repeatedly told her that I don't want to be with her. Even after she helped Bucky and Sam, she is still pushing it. I'm not sure what else I can do,"

"Make the bitch cry?" I asked and I saw him smile, "I don't think pretending to be in a relationship will help. It doesn't seem to be working,"

"Can I ask you something?"


"It's about Bucky," He said, "How do you feel about him? I'm not imagining things. I know there is something there,"

"I don't know. I know there is something but I'm not one to settle and be happy,"


I sighed, "When Hydra took me I was...subjected to torture. The torture that ruined me. That is it. I can never be happy with my past or my future. Bucky could probably find someone who could make him happy,"

"He likes you. Bucky is difficult at times but you can't blame him for that. Hyrda hurt him in more ways than possible. However, I think you'd be good for him and vice versa,"

"I've killed people and not because I was told to," I looked at him, "I did it because I wanted to because I felt strong doing it. I also don't regret who I killed,"

"I don't think of you any differently,"

There was a knock on the door and Sharon's annoying voice came through the door. I sighed and threw myself on top of Steve, making his eyes go wide, "Come in!"

Sharon pushed the door open and her smile dropped into a scowl when she saw us on the bed.

"Can we help?" I asked, "Things were about to get more interesting,"

"Ugh. I don't know what he sees in you," She folded her arms, "A dumb, Hydra bitch,"

"Did I just hear that correctly?" I asked, climbing off Steve, "A Hydra bitch?"

Sharon smirked, "Oh dear, have I hurt the bitches feelings?"

I let out a breath trying to calm down, "You really are pushing your luck. Now, my mum always told me never to hit first and never hit an animal, but I may just have to break that rule to knock your teeth out of your ass,"

"I'd like to see you try,"

I smirked and I felt Steve wrap his arms around me, lifting me from the floor, clearly not trusting me.

"That is enough," Steve said, "I've had enough. I don't want you, I will never want you, Sharon. The only reason why I took you out for coffee was that you are related to Peggy. I have no interest in you. At all. You're a fucking lunatic and I don't find you appealing to me at all. When will you get that through your thick skull? I do not like you back!"

"She's fucking brainwashed you," Sharon snapped, "This bitch shows up out of nowhere and suddenly you are together? Fucking each other?"

"Can someone tell me why everyone is yelling at each other?" Tony appeared and looked at Steve holding me in the air, "Did Sharon interrupt some kinky sex?"

"That Hydra bitch has brainwashed-ugh!" Sharon was slammed against the wall with Bucky's metal hand wrapped around her throat.

"Say that again," He said quietly, "Call her a Hydra bitch once again. I dare you,"

Sharon clawed at his hand, gasping for air.

"You're choking her," Sam said, "Drop her,"

Bucky released her throat, and she gasped for air.

"Y-you prick!" She screamed, her voice croaky, "You could have killed me!"

"Count yourself lucky that people were around," Bucky said, "Don't ever call her a Hydra bitch again or I will snap your neck,"

"Alright!" I said, "You can put me down now, Stevie. I think I need to deal with this,"

"Are you going to kill her?" Steve asked.

"Did you want me to?"

"No," Steve sighed, "I think Sharon understands that nothing is going to happen between us. Don't you Sharon?"

Sharon narrowed her eyes at me but she nodded, "Yes. Fully. Since you don't need me to help you anymore, I'm going back to New York,"

"Ok, bye!" I waved at her as she stomped out of the room, "Does anyone else want to say anything?"

"Try not to make too much noise," Tony said, looking at Steve and me, "Unless there is something you want to tell us?"

I sighed, "Steve's about to turn into the daddy he is a fuck me in the ass?"

"Gross," Peter grimaced.

"I'm joking," I snorted, "Steve and I-"

"Are together," Steve said.

"What?" Bucky and I said looking at him.

"Yeah and we need to talk, so everyone please get out. Bucky, you stay. We need to talk to you as well,"


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