Yes Doll

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I pushed her bedroom door open and she wandered in, "This was the bedroom you conned out of Tony so you'd help us. It's the same apart from a few of my bits,"

"Why are your bits here?"

"Um, I missed you and I needed to remember how you were before Hydra took you," I said, "I can't take them out if you want,"

"Nah, it's ok," She said.

"Some of your clothes are in there and the shower is through that door. If you need me at all during the night, my room is down the hall. Steve is also on the floor,"


"I...I'll leave you to it,"

Blue grabbed my hand and awkwardly hugged me. I hugged her back, "Thank you,"

"For what?"

"Trying to help,"

I jerked awake when I heard a scream and I rubbed my eyes, letting out a sigh. It had happened to me a few times since I knew Blue was in the lab.

"Hey, hey," I heard Steve say, "It's ok. I'm not Hydra,"

I leapt out of bed and yanked my door open to see Blue pressed against the wall almost hyperventilating. Her eyes were wide and Steve had his hands up.

"I'm sorry for startling you," Steve said, "I was only trying to help,"

"What happened?" I asked and Blue launched herself into me, holding me tightly, "Steve?"

"I got up to get a drink and saw Blue looking confused. I didn't mean to scare her. Blue, I'm sorry,"

"Don't worry about it, pal," I said.

Steve rubbed the back of his neck and walked back to his room.

"Come on. I'll take you back to your room,"

"No," She mumbled, "I don't want to sleep alone,"

"I can sit with you until-"

"No!" She said, squeezing me, "Please. Can I sleep next to you?"

"Um, yeah," I said, "But you'll have to wear something a bit less revealing,"

Blue stepped back and looked at what she was wearing, "Oh. I'm sorry. I couldn't find anything and I saw this shirt and-"

"You don't need to say sorry," I said, pulling her into the room, "I love that you are wearing my shirt but I don't want you to feel uncomfortable,"

Blue shook her head, "You don't make me feel uncomfortable. I feel safe when I'm with you,"

I held back a smile and nodded, "Pick a side of the bed,"

Blue nodded and climbed on, shuffling under the covers. She looked up at me and patted the empty side. I cleared my throat and laid down next to her, staring at the ceiling. Blue turned onto her side and snuggled into me and I held my breath as she put her hand on my chest.

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