This Isn't My Home

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Aiden rubbed his chin, "Why would you care if I die?"

"I don't but...fine. I do care if you die but if you are going to die, I wouldn't want Hydra to be the ones to kill you,"

"You still love me," Aiden smirked, "You've always loved me. You know I don't care about the wife. I've only ever cared about you so why don't you come home? We can do this properly,"

In my ear, I could hear Bucky and Steve argue but I was trying to concentrate on Aiden, "No. I'm leaving,"

Aiden grabbed me and slammed me against the wall, pinning my wrists beside my head. His breath was hot on my face and his blue eyes were sparkling.

"Doll," I whispered.

"You were always such a good girl," Aiden growled into my ear and then his lips crashed onto mine, his tongue forcing its way into my mouth.

I looked over his shoulder and saw movement and hoped it was Bucky. But my luck never was good.

"Aiden," The man said, "You've bought us a pet,"

Aiden cursed in Italian and turned around blocking me from view, "She was just leaving. Can't get enough of me but I'm bored,"

"I'm sure," The man said, "However, she won't be leaving,"

"Why is that?" Aiden asked, putting his hand on my wrist. He used to do that when he knew something bad was about to happen. Aiden would always stop a bullet with his own body before it hit me.

The very few good traits in Aiden.

"She is the one we wanted and we didn't even need to ask for your help,"

"What?" Aiden said, tightening his grip on me. My guess was that he had no idea why Hydra wanted to use him. Idiot.

I always told him to never trust them.

"What makes you think that this is the girl?"

"Blue is a very wanted girl," The man said pulling a gun out, "I suggest you hand her over,"

"Not going to happen," Aiden chuckled, "She escaped me once. It will not happen again,"

There was a loud bang from behind us and I jerked around to see Bucky flying through the air. He grunted as he landed and jumped to his feet.

"Fucker," He muttered and fired his gun before turning to me, "Doll,"


Another shot was sounded and Aiden grunted before dropping to one knee.

"Ow," He hissed.

I pulled my knife from the holster on my thigh and tossed it through the air, hitting the shooter in the shoulder. I used Aiden's thigh as a boost and I jumped at the man, hitting him square in the nose.

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