I Knew Before You Did

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Everyone was watching me as I danced my way around the punching bag with my knife, stabbing and slashing. The way I fought felt more like a dance and the moves were smoother than other fighting styles.

The flash of red caught my eye and I tossed the knife to my new arm, trying to get used to the way it felt and moved. Despite the arm being made of vibranium, I could feel the knife in my hands. It was as if my skin had been painted black with blue lines. Shuri had designed my arm based on Bucky's. Where he had the black and gold, mine was black and blue. The blue almost matched my eyes and I hugged Shuri when she showed me the arm in the box.

"How does it feel?" Shuri asked, "I can tell already but I like to know how good I am,"

I turned around and nodded, "It's weird. I still can't get used to having a fake arm,"

"It isn't fake," Shuri smiled, "It's part of your body now. You'll learn to love it. I don't want to tread on Bucky's toes but I think you look sexy with it,"

I laughed as Bucky shoved her. I looked at my hand and wiggled my fingers ignoring Bucky and Shuri arguing.

"I agree," Nat said, walking over to me, "It makes you look hot as fuck. Strange to say how someone can suit an arm,"

"If Bucky isn't careful," Sam smirked, "I'll steal you from him,"

"Back away from my girl," Bucky said and everyone turned to look at him, "What?"

"Your girl?" Clint grinned.

"I didn't realise she was your girl," Wanda said.

"I agree," Thor said, "Did Lady Blue agree to this?"

Bucky went red in the face, "Obviously,"

"My darling," Loki said, putting his hand on my face, "I will hurt him if you so wish,"

I rolled my eyes, "Stop teasing him,"

"I am yet to hear you say you are his girl," Loki smirked and lowered his mouth to my ear, "I don't even need your words, darling. Your thoughts are loud enough for me to hear. You love him,"

"I do," I whispered and he kissed my cheek.

"I knew before you did," He winked and dodged a punch from Bucky, "You need to be faster to hit a God,"

"Don't kiss her then," Bucky said.

"I want a kiss!" Nat said shoving Bucky out of the way, "Pucker up Bluey!"

"I love her!" Bucky said loudly and Nat dropped her hands from my face, "Do I need to say anything else? She's my girl. I love her and...fuck. I'm leaving. I've just embarrassed myself,"

I laughed as Bucky stormed out of the room and everyone looked at me, "I'm his girl. I can laugh at his embarrassment,"

Steve smiled and winked at me as I walked out of the room after him. As soon as the door closed behind me, everyone started talking over each other loudly as they tried to talk about what just happened.

Bucky was easy to find.

He was lying face down in his bed muttered to himself. I jumped onto his back and he turned his head to the side, letting me kiss him. I laid down on his back and smiled.


"You think?" He mumbled, "I don't do things like that. Ever. Never once have I announced my love in front of people who thought I didn't have a heart,"

"I wouldn't say that," I said, "They probably thought you locked it away. Not that I blame you. I was always told love makes you weak,"

Bucky rolled over, bringing me with him and I straddled his waist, running my fingers through his hair. It had grown fast and I loved it. I thought he looked good with long or short hair. Long hair was better because I could yank on it but when I told him that, he told me to get fucked.

"Is that what you think will happen?" Bucky asked, running his thumbs across my hip bone, "You will become weak because you love me?"

"Not at all," I said, "When I was in Hydra they killed a young girl in front of me because we had gotten close. I still blame myself for her death. We bonded over the loss of our parents and she saw me as an older sister. I cared for her as if she was my sister. They didn't like it and to make a point, they shot her point-blank in front of me,"

"I'm so sorry,"

I shrugged, "It is what it is. I tried my best to get them to kill me but they wouldn't. I was held back as I screamed trying to get to her, begging them to take my life instead of hers. I wasn't strong enough. After seeing her smile at me, knowing she was about to die, I knew she didn't blame me. I still feel guilty knowing that Hydra killed an innocent girl because of how I cared for her,"

"Blue, it wasn't your fault," Bucky said and I swallowed back tears, "You loved her. You showed her that you cared up until her last moments,"

Bucky sat up and wiped the tears from my face, "I never did get to kill the bastard who got her,"

"And we will," He said kissing me gently, "I told you, I will kill everyone who has ever hurt you or dares to,"

I hugged him and buried my face into the crook of his neck, "Thank you,"

"You need to stop thanking me," Bucky said, rubbing my back softly, "I love you. If you need help tracking them down, then tell me."

"Oh, I have tracked him down already,"


"You seem to forget who I am and what I am capable of doing," I said, looking at him, "I'm known as The Ghost. I can move through a crowd and not be seen. I know exactly where he is and how long I am going to keep him there,"

"I'm sorry, what?" Bucky frowned, "Keep him there? What exactly do you mean by that?"

"I probably shouldn't have told you that, but I guess the cat is out of the bag," I said, "Ask away. What do you want to know?"


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