|| Sick Day ||

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Lumax :)
After season 3
|| Max's POV ||
Max felt like actual shit laying down curled in her bed. She woke up in the middle of the night sweating like crazy. Not even moments after she woke, she ran to the bathroom vomiting. After that she hadn't gotten much sleep, tossing and turning with unease.
  She told her mom, who didn't really seem to care. She just told her to lay back down in bed and to drink water. Since it was a Saturday, she already didn't have school, meaning she would be able to spend the whole day in bed. Lucky me. Max thought bitterly.
    Hesitantly, Max grabbed the SuperCom that was setting on her bedside table. She'd made plans to go out with Lucas later that day and she needed to tell him she wouldn't be able to make it.
  Max pulled up the antenna and pressed the button to speak, "Hey, Lucas. You there?" After a few moments a voice could be heard through the static,
  "Yeah, I'm here. What's up?"
  "I'm sorry, I can't make it to the movies today." Max hoped her voice didn't sound to drained.
"Oh, why?"
"Im sick, the flu or something." Max mumbled, starting to feel lightheaded from the light coming through the window.
"I'm sorry. Do you want me to come over?"
"No, don't even think about it. I'm not having you get sick with me."
"No. No buts Lucas!" Max hissed under her breath as not to disturb her parents, who were a couple rooms down.
"Ugh, Max are you sure?"
"I'm going back to bed stalker, let me sleep." And with that, Max pushed the antenna down an harshly set the SuperCom down on her nightstand. She wasn't feeling great, in fact, talking with Lucas made her feel worse. She just wanted to sleep, and hopefully sleep through the rest of the day.
  "Maxine! Neil and I are going out!" Max's mom called from downstairs. Max didn't reply, she just listened as she heard her mom and Neil exit the house.
  Max eventually drifted into an uneasy sleep, occasionally woken up by Billy yelling or the music blasting from his room.
|| Small Time Skip ||
Max slowly blinked open her eyes. To her surprise, there was someone sitting on her bed next to her. "Morning, Sleepyhead." Lucas said calmly. It took Max a couple seconds to relalize what was happening, and then a couple more to realize how she must look. Her hair was probably greasy and matted since she hadn't brushed it that morning and only threw it into a messy bun, she was only wearing a bra and shorts as her high fever wouldn't allow her to wear clothes that covered her body, her face probably looked tired and sleepy. Max, out of instinct, buried herself in her covers, hiding her face in the fluffy pillows.
"Lucas?" Max groaned out, "I told you not to come!"
"I couldn't let my girlfriend be sick alone, now could I?"
"Ugh, how did you even get in?"
"You left the window unlocked again." Lucas started rubbing Max's back, to which Max complained even louder.
"I'm gonna get you sick..get out!"
"Sorry, but I can't do that."
"No buts, Maxie." Lucas knew Max hated that nickname, or he thought she hated it, but Max thought it was adorable. It always made her feel bubbly inside when he called her that. But she could never let him know that, so every time he called her that, she'd complain and tell him she hated it. Luckily he never really stopped calling her it in private.
  "I just wanna help you get better." Lucas pulled her up, letting her lean against him, to which Max was too tired to fight against.
  "When you get sick it's not my fault." She mumbled into Lucas's chest.
  "Of course. It's all my fault." Lucas said sarcastically, rubbing his hands up and down Max's arms and she clung onto him. Max hated feeling so vulnerable, it made her feel weak, pathetic, worthless, but she didn't really have a choice seeing how there was no chance Lucas was leaving and she didn't have the strength to act like she wasn't in physical pain.
  Max suddenly pulled away from Lucas's embrace, feeling the familiar tingling that overwhelmed her body. Her eyes darted to the door and back at Lucas. Before Lucas could utter a word, Max dashed out the door and into the bathroom. There she sat crouched by the toilet, letting what felt like all her intestines out. Lucas had rushed after her and held her hair as Max threw up.
  When Max had finished, she stood up and brushed her teeth, with the help of Lucas of course. After that was done, they made their way back to Max's bedroom where Lucas laid her down on the bed, placing his hand upon her forehead. "Your burning up.." Max only groaned in response. "Hold on." Lucas walked out of the room for a moment, coming back with a damp cloth. Without saying anything, Lucas placed the cloth on Max's forehead. Max recoiled a bit, but gave in to Lucas's gesture of help. "How does that feel?" He asked.
  "Okay.." Max shifted uneasily. She could only think about how she looked, disgusting, gross, unkept. "I'm sorry, Lucas. I didn't want you to come and see me like..this."
  "What do you mean? You look as beautiful as ever." Lucas sat up from his half laid down half sat up position to look at Max, who avoided his gaze.
  "This is as beautiful as I get?" Max gestured to her hair her body.
  "Not as beautiful as you get, but you still look gorgeous."
  "Sure, whatever."
  "No, I'm serious, you always look stunning. No matter what clothes your wearing or how you've done your hair, heck, you still look beautiful when your puking your guts out sitting on the bathroom floor!" Lucas smirked at his words, causing Max to playfully punch his arm.
  "Your so annoying!"
  "But you love me, Maxie." Lucas added the pet name, his smirk growing larger by the second.
  "Don't call me that!"
  "Oh, but why Maxie?"
  "Ughh." Max threw off the cloth that was laying in her forehead and rolled over as to face away from her boyfriend. Lucas just laughed and sighed dramatically, getting off the bed and walking over to the window.
  "W-Wait, where are you going?" Max immediately sat up and looked at Lucas.
  "Well, if you don't want me here, then I guess I'll have to leave." He slid open the window and was about to swing his leg out when Max stopped him. "No, don't leave! I mean, can you stay with me?"
  "Whatever the lady wants." Lucas shrugged and walked back, causing Max to roll her eyes and scoff.
  "Your so annoying!" She whined.
  "Yes, you've reminded me once or twice." Lucas climbed into bed and wrapped his arms around her. They made small talk for a while, until Max fell into a once again uneasy sleep. Lucas chuckled at the sight. Max always acted tough around everyone, so it was refreshing to see her with her guard down.
  "Nighty night Maxie." Lucas murmured into Max's ear, to which she shifted into a more comfortable position, a grin creeping into her face.
a/n: lmao this is kinda badly written, but for something I wrote at 2am while listening to my dad snore from the other room, I'd say it's pretty good :) Anyway, two things I want to address.

Omfg this is awesome! I never expected to get so many reads on this! Thank you all so much!  Second, I've decided since I have no mileven ideas and I haven't gotten any requests for mileven I'm gonna change this to just lumax oneshots

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Omfg this is awesome! I never expected to get so many reads on this! Thank you all so much!
Second, I've decided since I have no mileven ideas and I haven't gotten any requests for mileven I'm gonna change this to just lumax oneshots. If I get any mileven requests I might do them, but probably not.
Anyway, thanks again for all the support, it means a lot to me!

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