| Runaway Redhead 4 |

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|| Max's POV ||
Max rushed over to the window, but she never made it. While crossing the room, the door flew open, revealing the man-in-the-cheap-suit again. He looked confused and then angry. Very angry. "Woah woah, there pretty girl. Where do you think you're going?" He bounded over, grabbing Max roughly by her hair.

"No! Fuck you!" Max screeched, kicking and punching and screaming. The man pulled her close to him, disgustingly close. He called something out, but Max was too focused on escaping his grasp to hear.

Two more men burst through the door, all in dark suits. One helped the pervert-man (man-in-the-cheap-suit) hold Max down while the other pricked Max's arm with a needle.

"Ow, shit! Sh-Shit. . shit." Max slumped. Suddenly, her tongue felt too big in her mouth, and her knees felt tingly and then numb. She crumbled out of the men's grasp and onto the floor. "Wh-what did you do to me?" Her voice sounded far away.
(2 weeks later)
Two weeks of torture, two weeks of starvation, two weeks of questioning, two weeks of suffering. They had almost pulled out many of Max's finger nails, punched her, kicked her, burned her, shocked her, most anything you can think of. But Max stayed strong, past her better judgment.

  Now was the routine interrogation, and today Max had a plan. Today was the day Max got out.

  Max groaned as the man punched her across the face. She felt her nose spew with blood once more, as it had multiple times in the past few weeks.

Max was sitting in a chair, hands tied behind her back. Her hair was greasy and messy, her cheeks were bruised and cut up. Her clothes were sweaty and stained with blood.

"Now, princess, I'll ask you again. Where. Is. Eleven." The pervert-man stepped forward, his rancid breath getting in Max's face. She grimace.

Panting like a dog, she looked up through her red hair, her fiery personality burning through the insane fear and pain she was feeling.

"Fuck you." Max's voice was barely above a husky whisper. The man looked frustrated, shaking his head and turning around.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you're a stubborn one. Well, maybe the weekend alone will help loosen your tongue."
  They didn't know this, but leaving her here for the weekend is just what Max wanted them to do. For the last week Max had been slowly loosening her binds behind her back, so much that it would make a difference, not enough to get noticed.
  All Max wanted to do was run, to pry open the door and run and run and run.

  "Not yet." Lucas told her, placing his hand on her shoulder. Max could almost feel it."Soon, but not yet."
  Escape. Max thought over and over, finally having freed herself from the ropes. The guards have been gone for 6 hours, hours that had been excruciating long might I add. As she scanned the room, she breathed carefully, as if any loud sound would bring those guards back. The doors locked. She reminded herself, zoning in on the doorknob. But if i broke it, i could get out.

  "That won't work Max." Lucas-in-her-head reminded her. Why not? Max chewed her cheek as she thought. Because there's guards. Armed guards. Even if they left me in here, the whole buildings not empty.

  Lucas-in-her-head crossed his arms, watching her search silently. Window. Max half ran over, wincing at the pain in her ankles. The window was double thick, obviously to keep prisoners like Max in. But even the thickest glass could keep Max in this room. The window looked slightly too small, but she could probably make herself fit. She would make herself fit.

  Should I use my foot to break it?

  "No, you're going to need to walk."

  My elbow?

  "No. What if you need to fight someone?"

  Kinda out of options here, Stalker. Let me take lead now. Max went on her tiptoes, bearing her elbow and bracing myself for what was to come.





  Blood flowed steadily from Max's elbow. She was too scared to look, It better not be broken.

  Max hoisted herself up and out of the window, the frame scrapping her whole body. But her blood soaked the bottom, making it at least a little bit easier.
  Thank god her jail cell was on the 1st floor, or else she would have more than a potentially fractured elbow.

  Max hit the ground with a thump, but it was muffled in her ears by Lucas's cheers. "Nice Max!" He clapped, his familiar smile warming Max's cold body and numbing her pain.

  Max ran, and ran and ran and ran. And she didn't stop, not even when she heard the shots. 3 loud bangs that rang out into the forest. Stopping meant giving up, stopping meant letting them win. So Max wouldn't never stop, ever again.

  Red and blue flashed in the distance, but Max couldn't bring herself to realize what it meant. All she cared about was that in her mind, Lucas was holding her hand so tight his hurt, running along side her.

  They kept going, hand in hand, until someone forced them to stop. When someone grabbed Max and pulled her off to the side of the road. "Honey, honey breathe, slow down. We've got you now." The words were scattered and twisted in Max's mind.

  "No no I've got to run. . i've got run!" she tired to shove the woman off, but she was too weak, to tired and in pain. The woman brought her to a car on the side of the road. To a police car. A police car? Police! Lucas we made it- Max turned  her head to share a celebratory smile with him, but he wasn't there. Max freaked out for a moment, before realizing why we vanished. He was never there in the first place, remember? Just a figment of your imagination.

  "Honey, can you tell me your name?" The woman took Max's attention again. She had sat Max down in the open back of a large car—Ambulance!— and put a blanket over her shoulders. She shined a light in Max's eyes. Police cars were everywhere, and were driving past them at the speed of light.

  "M-Max. My name is Max."

a/n: guys i'm rewatching stranger things and i just watched Dear Billy and im sobbing 😭

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