|| Snow Day ||

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Season 2 ages, winter time! Sorry for my inactivity lol I've fr been going through it. I have horrible writers block, so pls pls pls comment requests. If you alr have and I haven't posted yours, dw I promise I'm working on all of them, it's just taking some time. Ok into the oneshot!
|| Lucas's POV ||
Lucas slowly blinked his eyes open, adjusting to the bright light streaming in through his bedroom window. A rustling noise sounded from across the room, making Lucas sit up quickly in a mixture of confusion and fear.
"W-Who's there?" He called out, scrunching up his bed covers in his hands.
There was a few moments of silence before a voice could be heard in reply. "Relax, Scaredy-Cat. It's me, Max." The redhead chuckled as she emerged from Lucas's bathroom.
"Max?" Lucas exclaimed, "What the hell are you doing here?"
"Have you been sleeping this entire time? Haven't you heard?" Max seemed busy rummaging through Lucas's drawers, soon pulling out a pair thick sweatpants and a hoodie.
  "Er, maybe? What's going on?" Lucas rubbed his eyes, sitting up more in his bed.
  "Look outside, there's no school!" Max walked back into Lucas's bathroom, leaving the confused boy to look out his window. What he saw was astonishing. His entire the ward was covered in thick white snow, along with the rest of the houses in his neighborhood. Flurry's still rained down from fluffy gray clouds that covered the sky.
  "Now that you've returned to reality; get dressed." Max threw the sweatpants and hoodie she had just pulled from his dresser to Lucas. When Lucas kept staring at her, Max gave him her signature eye roll and said. "Go get dressed, we're going out in the snow."
  "Watch out, Stalker!" Max hurled a snowball at Lucas, that missed by an inch.
  "Hey! You-" Lucas quickly packed a ball of snow together and threw it at Max. She screamed and ran away, hiding behind a tree. Lucas chuckled and turned away, taking in the vast and beautiful landscape in-front of him.
  "Lucas get over here, I'm making a snowman." Lucas turned to see the redhead hard at work pushing an already large ball of snow.
  Lucas started making the middle of the snowman, while Max finished the bottom. When he finished his first job, Lucas then started on the head, making sure to roll it only over clean white snow. Max had walked off, but Lucas hadn't asked where she was going. He knew she wouldn't just leave.
  Assembling all of the body, Lucas took a step back. When he did so, Max stepped forward with her hands filled with twigs and stones. So that's what she was doing. Max placed three twigs on the middle body, two for eyes on the top, and five for the mouth. The two twigs went on either side of the snowman, giving it arms.
  "It's great." Lucas admitted, pretty proud of their work.
  "Meh, it could be better." Max tilted her head, hands on hips, deep in thought. "It needs something."
  "Oh!" Max smiled happily as she had her idea. She took off her hat and placed it squarely on the snowman's head. "There."
  Lucas had to admit, the snowman looked perfect, literally. It was like the cliché of a snowman.
  Max sighed and walked away. Lucas followed. She sat down on her knees in the snow, back facing Lucas. What is she up to? Soon enough she finished whatever she was doing and stood up to let Lucas see.
  She had written in the snow:
     "L + M
           Love you forever"
  Max smiled to herself and walked off, humming to herself calmly. Lucas stayed, staring at what she'd wrote. He knew Max didn't want to say it up front, so she wrote it. She's so sweet. Lucas felt his heart warming with every passing moment he stared at the message. Even though the message would melt away with time, the love he felt for this girl, wouldn't.

a/n: Kinda rushed but u like it, thanks for 14k it means so much to me ❤️

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