|| Option C ||

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Season three when school starts :)
|| Max's POV ||
Promise me
Lucas was currently walking out of school with Max, talking to her about their date that was planned for later that night.

  "Don't expect me to wear a dress, Stalker." Max sarcastically stated.

  "Wouldn't dream of it." Max playfully nudged him and scoffed.
  They continued walking to the bike rack and stopped when they arrived, waiting for Lucas to unlock his bike.

  "Billy's picking you up?"


  "Isn't that him?" Lucas asked, pointing at the large figure leaning against the blue car in the schools parking lot.

  "Shit, what time is it?" Max asked, her eyes snapped up, her eyes zoning in on Billy.

  "Uh, 4:43." Lucas looked at his watch, then back up at Max.

  "Damn it, I'm late! Billy's gonna eat me alive. I gotta go, see you later stalker." She started speed walking away, holding her skateboard close to her body.

  "Wait but-" was all that escaped his lips before Max was out of ear shot.

  Lucas watched the fiery redhead walk towards the car. He saw Billy pull his cigarette from his lips and it looked like he said something sarcastic. Max countered that with something Lucas couldn't see because she was facing away from him, and emphasized it with sarcastic hand movements. Billy started shouting and then he got in the car. Max seemed to hesitate before walking over to the other side of the car and aggressively opening and closing the door.

  This interaction wasn't uncommon between Max and Billy, but for some reason, Lucas had a bad feeling.

|| Max's POV ||
Tapping the towel on her bleeding cheek, wincing. "Goddamn Billy." She hissed under her breath, fisting her hand as she swiped the towel away. She groaned as she pulled the towel away and saw fresh blood trickle. "Goddamn Neil."

  Finishing up, she planed a bandaid on the cut, feeling satisfied. She did this a lot, and since there wasn't school tomorrow, she didn't bother to cover her bruised eye and other cheek.

  Crossing her fingers that Lucas wouldn't notice in the dark night lighting, Max slipped out the window, walking to their meeting spot, thr skatepark.

  Lucas was already there when Max reached the park. Taking a deep breath, she dropped her skateboard down and skated over. "Incoming!" She said, missing Lucas by an inch.

  "Max you almost ran me over!" Lucas laughed his loud beautiful laugh that made Max's heart soar, no matter how badly Max hated to admit it.

  "Snooze you loose Stalker. And in your case, what you loose is your life." Max skated down the dip in the pit.

  When max rose out of the pit, she took in Lucas a bit better. He was wearing jeans and a dark hoodie. His face looked even more beautiful in the dark moonlit night.

  Unfortunately for Max, she didn't realize she was staring, which gave Lucas enough time to stare back. He took Max gently by the waist and looked up into her eyes (she's taller than him on the skateboard) "what's that on your face?" he asked, squinting.

  Max tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but he held her still, studying her face. "It's nothing Lucas it's just dark." Lucas shook his head absently.

  "Is that. . ." He rubbed the bruise on her cheek with his thumb. He purposely trailed off when Max gave him the look. The "I don't want to talk about it, but you know exactly what happened" look.

  "Goddamn Billy." He hissed, just like Max did just an hour before.

  "It's fine Stalker, just a small bruise. Let's just enjoy our night, okay?" Max finally managed to wiggle out of his grasp and skated away. When she doubled back, Lucas was staring after her, obviously weighing out his options. Max knew what he was thinking. Should he A: push Max to talk about what happened. B: completely ignore the situation, or C: tell Max that they'll talk about it later.

  He chose option C. "We'll talk about it later. okay?" Max thankfully nodded, and skated away fast, baiting Lucas to chase her.

  "Come on Lucas, catch me if you can!" He took off running, catching up to Max in a matter of seconds. He effortlessly lifted Max up and off the skateboard, twirling her around, causing Max to explode into giggled.

  "Put me down asshole put me down!" she laughed loudly until Lucas put her down. When he did, they both entered a kind of trance. One where they found in nearly impossible to look away from the others eyes.

a/n: i was gonna finish this but i've got to get ready for school tomorrow soooo yea hope this was good!

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