|| White Roses ||

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Takes place some time in September of '85
|| Max's POV ||
Max quietly walked through the house and straight to her room. She ignored Neil who was drinking a beer on the couch, she ignored the blaring music coming from Billy's room, she even ignored her mother who glanced up from her dinner as if she were about to say something, but decided against it.
Max didn't feel like having some half hearted conversation about how her day was or some other topic she wasn't interested in answering.
Closing her door, Max walked over to her desk. She knew she had homework to be doing, but she didn't really want to do it. She had the rest of the week to finish a couple of assignments, so she could procrastinate a little longer. Maybe Lucas will help me tomorrow..hopefully he will, or I'll be screwed. Max thought with a chuckle.
  Tapping her pencil rhythmically on the desk, Max glanced around the room. Damn, who knew you could be this bored.
Max absently glanced over at her bed, surprised to see a letter sitting on it. Walking over to it, she carefully picked up the rectangular envelope and looked it over. There was no writing on the outside, like there usually would be on a letter. The hell? She thought with a raised eyebrow.
  Slowly tearing open the envelope, Max pulled out a small folded up paper. Slowly, Max sat down to read this mysterious note.
Dear Max,
Meet me at the school. I have a surprise.
Your favorite Stalker
Max looked up from the note after rereading it a couple times. Her eyebrows raised in confusion and intrigue. What are you up to stalker?
  Slowly walking up to the school, Max could see very little in the dark light, except for the pale light from the street lights behind her.
  As she got to the schools entrance, she saw Dustin standing there, presumably waiting for her.
  "Dustin? What the hell is this?" She said with an annoyed edge to her tone.
  "Uhm, I'm not really supposed to say.." The curly haired boy glanced back in the window. Max could kind of see the dim silhouette of a person inside, but they disappeared as soon as she saw them.
  "Dustin, if you don't tell me what the hell os going on right now-" Max was cut off by Dustin speaking impatiently.
  "Look, I think you should take this up with Lucas, not me. I'm just the messenger!" Dustin chuckled at his own remark before starting again. "Here. It's the next clue." Dustin handed her another envelope, identical to the first.
  "What the hell is this? So kind of scavenger hunt? Where's Lucas?" Max demanded, taking the note out of his hand. Dustin just shrugged and stepped aside to let Max by.  She hesitated for a moment, then walked past him to get inside.
  Once inside, Max ripped open the note, not as carefully as the last, to see what was inside.
Dear Max,
    Number, letters, and symbols, what could they all mean?
  Come and find the next clue and you will see.
   Love, Your favorite Stalker
  Max looked up from the paper, glancing around to see if anyone was around. So this is a scavenger hunt..hm. He has no idea what he's up against. Even though Max hated all this secrecy, she was determined to beat Lucas at his own game.
  Reading over the note again, Max was sure of the answer. It has to be the math classroom. I mean, numbers, letters, and symbols! It has to be.
  Now that Max was sure, she set off for the math classroom. It was pretty close to the entrance of the school so she was able to reach it within minutes.
Pushing open the door, Max could barely see anything in the room, but she could definitely see a person sitting on one of the desks. Walking over to the stranger, she could now see that it was Mike. The hell is he doing here? Max thought as Mike stood up.
"The hell are you doing here?" Max asked, mirroring her thoughts.
  "I could ask you the same question, Maxine." He said with crossed arms.
  "Call me that again." Max threatened, stepping forward a little bit, but Mike seemed to stay calm.
  "Here's the next clue." He said plainly,  ignoring the threat that Max had just spoken. Reaching into his poket, Mike pulled out the familiar white envelope. He extended his hand so Max could take it, which she did.
As she was about to walk out, Mike called her back. "Wait!" Max turned around to face the tall boy who stood before her. "He said to give you this." Mike handed her a small white rose. Immediately Max's mind flashed back to her and Lucas's first date, when he gave her a bouquet of beautiful white rose.
  Max loved and cherished those flowers, watering them every day, and making sure they got enough sun. But one day, when she had particularly angered Billy, he crushed every one of the beautiful flowers while Max was locked out outside of the bedroom, sobbing.
  "Earth to Max, helloo?" Mike waved his hand in front of her face.
  "Uhm, yeah. Thanks, Mike." Max took the rose and nodded to him, turning to leave the math classroom.
Right, next clue. Max thought with a chuckle. Who knew instead of working on a science paper, she was here, probably trespassing on school grounds following vague clues of where the next may lie.
  Reading the text note, Max found herself more confused than before.
Dear Max,
    Where we learn of past mistakes, and new one's to come. Find your way here, and maybe, just maybe, you'll find me too.
    Love, Your favorite Stalker
  For some reason, Max couldn't figure this out. Where do we learn about past mistakes, and one's to come?
  Max looked around the deserted hallway, and back at the note. Maybe it has some secret message in it or something..Max's eyes scanned the well written paper, looking for any sort of clue. Finally, after almost 2 minutes, Max figured it out. History! It has to be history!  Where we learn about past mistakes, and new ones to come!
  Eagerly pushing through the door to the history lab, Max saw Will sitting next to the teachers desk, I one of the extra chairs.
  "Hey Will." Max said as she approached.
  "Hey Max." Will said with a grin on his face as he stood up.
Once Max got close enough, Will spoke again. "I assume you've come for this?" He pulled out the now, familiar envelope from is pocket, as well as an almost identical white rose. Glancing at the rose with a smile, Max took both items from the boys hand.   
  "Thanks, Will!" She called back t0 with as she walked out of the door.
  Opening the last note, Max was both
excited and sad by what it read.
Dear Max,
    Congratulations, for this is the last clue. Be aware of your surroundings, and wear the right shoes, because if you don't want to do 20 laps, trust what I say is true.
  Love, Stalker
  Max was sad that the scavenger hunt was over, since this was so much fun! But she was excited by the fact of knowing the clue so easily. It's the gym! It has to be.
Pushing open the gym, Max was met by pitch black darkness. Well this is anticlimactic..Right as she thought it, the gyms lights flicked on and the whole party jumped out and yelled, "Surprise!"
  Being very surprised herself, Max gasped and staggered back, taking in all that she saw.
  The whole gym was decorated with white and light purple streamers. There's was white and light purple confetti scattered around the ground as well. In the far corner, there was a table full of Max's favorite foods. On the table next to it, there were many, many presents.
  "Holy shit! This is awesome!" Max gazed in awe at the decorations. Lucas, who after all this time made his first appearance, walked up to her, and gave Max bouquet of white roses.
  "Jesus Lucas.." Max took the flowers from his hands and sighed at the sight, before looking back at Lucas, annoyance flaring in her eyes.
  "I told you not to do anything for my birthday!" Max smacked her boyfriend in the arm.
  "Sorry, but I had to do something!" Lucas answers with a shrug, "Besides, I already had this great idea."
  "I will admit, it is pretty cute." Max smiled.
  "Happy birthday, Maxie." Lucas kissed her on the top of the head, before turning to their friends who were standing behind them.
  "Speaking of this idea, how did you all pull this off so well?" Max looked at them all. Eleven stepped forward first, and Max could see the excitement in her eyes.
  "Hop and I got all the decor..decorating stuff! And I know light purple and white are your favorite colors, so I got all purple and white decorations!" El spoke quickly, stumbling over her words and getting a little bit confused.
  As everyone stepped forward and told her how they did their part to make this amazing party happen, it made Max realize that she had so many people that live her in her life, and how thankful she is for them.
a/n: ngl I fell asleep twice while writing this. Not bc it was boring or whatever, but bc it's 12 am and I have a cheer game tmr. I thought of this idea a while ago so I hope it's good! Also the ending is kinda rushed but we don't talk about that 😶
Btw, I can't believe we're at 5k, it just seems so crazy! It feels like yesterday I was telling my parents about getting 800 reads, and now look where we are! Thank you guys soooo much, love yall! 💕
  Edit: I accidentally didn't take this out of the middle of all my oneshots and instead published it there, sorry about that!

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