|| Im Always Here, Pt 2 ||

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Ig this is the second part to one of my other one shots, but don't take this too seriously lmao
|| Max's POV ||
"Billy!" Max screamed as she watched her brother be impaled by one of the mind flayed tentacles. Billy dropped to the ground, blood pooling around him.
Max jerked awake, frantically looking around. A dream..it was just a dream. Max thought, relief flooding her whole body. Glancing over at Lucas, who had woken up when max made such a ruckus, immediately wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
"It's okay baby, your okay." Lucas murmured to max with a comforting kiss on the forehead.
"I-I'm okay Lucas. It was just a horrible, awful dream." Max said with another sigh of relief. Lucas's grasp loosened and Max slipped out of his arms so she could see his face.
Now that Max could fully see his face, she noticed Lucas looked extremely tired. He had two cuts on his cheek and one on his forehead. His facial expression looked so sympathetic and sad that it made a frown spread across Max's face.
"What.." Max trailed off and she gently traced one of the cuts with her finger.
"I'm so sorry Max.." He murmured. Now, unfortunately, Max realized what was happening. Her horrible awful dream, had not been a dream. It had actually happened. Billy was dead.
Tears started to well around Max's eyes as she thought the same thoughts over and over again. He's dead. He can't be. I let this happen. It should have been me. How could this have happened? How could I have let this happen?
Without a word, Lucas pulled her back into his arms, but Max wasn't returning his embrace. She just sat there numb with grief and pain.
|| Lucas's POV ||
Max and Lucas sat there, in complete silence for quite some time, but Lucas knew Max needed a little time to process what had happened.
"I..I'm hungry.." Max said suddenly. her gaze not leaving her hands.
"Okay, sure, stay here I'll get you something." Lucas said with a surf nod. Whatever Max wanted, she'd give her it. It's the least he can do. As he got up to leave the room, Max grabbed onto his hand tightly, pulling him back to her.
"No, don't leave me!" She whimpered, her voice cracking. Sorrow pierced though Lucas like a shard of ice.
"I won't leave you. I will never leave you, Maxie." Lucas walked back to the bed where the girl was shakily sitting. "Why don't you come with me, okay?"
"Okay." Max stood up to join Lucas as the walked down the stairs, hand in hand.
a/n: ...we're not going to talk about this, okay? It's more less just meant to be a little post so I can make these announcements. Yeah..ANYWAYS I have a couple things to say:
1: WE HIT 6k!! I can't believe like two weeks ago it was 5k! That's so crazy, Ty soo much you guys!
2: ik I haven't done all the requests I got, but for some of them I haven't had much inspo for. Like I don't remember who but someone requested a one shot where Lucas or max is jealous of the other, and I swear I'm actively working on it! So if I haven't done your request yet, I'm sorry, but I'm working on them.
Ty soooooo much for 6k, it means sooo much to me!!

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