|| Bottoms up! ||

146 7 4

Don't mind my last post lol 😓 anyways into the oneshot
||Max's POV ||
As max traced her eyeliner on her waterline, she gazed down at her outfit. A tight black dress that brought out the color of her red hair. She broke a smile, "Tonight's going to be amazing." She called to El, who was in the bathroom.

  "Uh Max?" El called through the locked door.

  "What's up, El?" She finished the last of her eyeliner and set it down on the desk, standing up and walking over to the door.

  "Are you sure this dress is. . . Me? Like you said?"

  "Come on, El! it's like it was made for you! Get out here." Eleven reluctantly opened the door, revealing her do die for dress. It was a red dress, not too short (Mike would have had an aneurism), with gold earrings and black flats. They tried the high heals but, let's just say it didn't really work out too well.

  "Eleven you look to die for! Ugh, thank god mike isn't here or he'd loose his shit!" El giggled and looked down at her dress, and back up.

  "You ready?" El nodded. "Then let's get this show on the rode."

|| El's POV ||
  "Hellooooo Mikee?" El slurred, probing herself up on the end of a couch for support.

  "Eleven? Where are you??" Mike sounded concerned.

  "Mike! Oh. my. god. I missed you." It sounded more like 'like! o my tod. i kissed too!' but mike was able to decode.

  "El where are you- oh my fucking his did Max take you to that party?! I told her that you-" he cut himself off. "El put Max on the phone."

  "She's. ." El glanced over to Max, who was downing another red solo cup full of beer. "Busy."

  "With what?!"

  "Drinking." El almost slipped, and giggled.

  "Oh my fucking-" Mikes voice grew distant as he talked to someone else. When he came back, El could barely hear him over the music. "El. . . We're. . . Pick you. . . Don't. . .Drink."

  The phone hung up. El shrugged and dropped the phone, twirling snd dancing back into the crowd.

|| Lucas's POV ||
Lucas walked into the party, cringing at the stench of beer and puke. Mike looked red with rage, literally. He stormed off to go find El, and lucas was off to find Max.

  He started in the Kitchen, no luck, but in the living room he found none other than Steve the Hair Harrington.

  "Steve?!" He gaped as the man, and at the two plastic looking girls on his arms. "What the hell are you doing here?!"

  "What's it look like dude?Im getting babes." Lucas rolled his eyes. "Have you seen Max?"

  "Have I seen max? bro, i think everyone had seen max." He laughed loudly.

  "What does that-" He heard a loud crash from the dining room. He huffed and rushed into the dining room, where we saw max belly dancing on the table, a crowd forming around the table, chanting and cheering her on. The crash was her kicking a bowl of fruit off the table. Her dress straps were coming down and her makeup was smudged.

  Lucas couldn't help but laugh at Max, knowing that she would never in a million years be caught doing this sober. And Lucas had to admit, he was enjoying the show.

Max almost slipped again, spilling her drink on the guy Lucas knew was no one to be messed with. "What the hell?!" He shouted

"Oh i did you a favor, that shirt was doing NO ONE any favors." She slurred, smirking. Beer and spit dripped from her lip.

"What did you say to me bitch?!" He started to get a little too close.

"Okay that's enough." Lucas stepped forward, taking Max's hand and helping her off the table. Max, and the crowd, groaned in disapproval.

"Nooooo Lucas don't be a buzz kill!" She tripped batting down, and fell into Lucas's chest.

"I'm a buzz kill?" Lucas laughed, leading her away from the booing crowd and approaching douchebag.

"Buzz kill, fun police, fun police, call it what you want." Lucas couldn't figure out what she said, so he didn't respond.

"Comeonnnnnnn Lukeyyyy i wanna danceeee" She started swaying her hips as they walked. Lucas rolled his eyes, leading her to the doorway, where Mike already stood, El basically limp in his arms.

"Wait wait wait i need another drink for the road." she tried to redirect them to the keg, to which Lucas pushed Max to the door.

"You've had WAY enough Max. You know what you need? A refreshing glass of water, and a great nights sleep."

"So boring!" Max loudly groaned.

"Morning people live long and healthy lives."

"Long and BORING livesss!" Max walked out the door, ignoring Mikes glare. She turned her attention to El. "ahhhh! el where you gooo i was lookin all over for you!"

El was about to respond but Mike interrupted. "She was black out drunk in the bathroom that's where she was!" he shouted angrily. "How could you take her to a party?!"

"Cuz she's not your little pet mike! she's a teenage girl like any other person!"

"But she's not like any other person Max!"

"Not like you're babying her!"

"I only baby her because-" He cut himself off because Max bent over puking. Lucas immediately held her hair back, while El burst out laughing. Mike and Lucas looked at each other confused and exasperated.

a/n: i'm so tired i'm not gonna finish this but yaaa hope u like it! comment if you want a part 2!!

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