|| I am useless ||

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Edit: This was a request, but i can't find who it was from so if it was you pls comment!
|| Lucas's POV ||
"And then Mike was like, 'don't talk about her like that!' And I was like. . ." Lucas trailer off, looking at Max, his heart aching with every second.

Lucas went through the same routine everyday. He went to school, did his homework, came to Max's hospital room and talked to her, then went home to fall into a troubled sleep. Nothing had changed for over five months. He sometimes questioned if she can even hear him. It seemed somewhat pointless to have a one sided conversation; but Lucas dreaded the thought of Max being in complete silence if she could hear him.

"Sorry, Max. I've gotta go, homework, ya know?" No response as usual. He bent down and kissed Max on the cheek and walked to the door. "See ya later Mad Max."
"She's awake?" Lucas gaped as he talked to Max's nurse on the phone.

"Yes she woke up during the night. Are you able to come in?"

"Of course! I'm on my way now."

She's..Shes awake. My girlfriend is awake. Is she okay? In pain? I hope shes not in any pain. Will she be happy? Upset? His thoughts moved faster than he could keep up with. Finally, things can go back to the way they were. Max will be better, all better.
  Lucas stood in the doorway, unsure if he should go in. He could see max, lying on her side, facing a way from him. It was the first time she hadn't been on her flat on her back in months. They took her arms out of the casts 2 weeks ago, but her legs were still buried in think white plaster. The doctors had said that she would need months and maybe even years of physical therapy for just a chance of walking again, let alone using her arms. They said that her eyes have had time to recover and she might see, or she might need surgery. But she's here. She was here yesterday and the day before but not like this. She's here, alive.

  After a couple more minutes, Lucas hesitantly said "Max?" he saw her body twitch, and she whispered in a croaky voice, raspy from not having been used in a while. "you've been standing there a long time."

  "Yea, i uh, yea." Lucas stammered, not really knowing what to say. surprised she knew he was there.

  "don't just stand there." She hadn't sat up, or moved for that matter.

  "yea, sorry." lucas sat down on the edge of the hospital bed, looking at Max. she faced away from him still, but he could see her face. a pit formed in his stomach as he saw her cloudy unseeing eyes staring blankly at the wall. "you..can't see." lucas whispered to himself.

  "or move." she answered plainly. lucas lost his
words for a moment. he moved his hand gently onto her hand. she didn't react. he squeezed her hand softly. nothing. "can't you feel that?" Lucas's eyes widened.

  "feel what?"

  For the first time in a long time, Lucas felt true fear. Not fear like when he met his first demogorgon. Or fear like when he fought the mind flayer. This was different. This was a realization. a realization that his girlfriend was now blind, and crippled.

  A thick silence rung through the room, louder than anything lucas had heard before.

  "i'm useless." she whispered, her voice thick with emotion,

  "what do you mean?" Lucas gasped, horrified by what she said.

  "I am useless." she repeated with a hint of emphasis.

  "Max no you're-"

  "Don't bullshit me Lucas. I'm paralyzed and blind. I can't move, i can't see, i can't walk or touch i can't feel." Max turned her head slightly, so Lucas could see the full extent of her state. she was thin, her cheekbones protruding. she has dark circles under her eyes. she looked. . . half dead. "All my life i've tried to find who I am. What i'm meant to be. I thought maybe it was school, then skateboarding, and then i decided it was fighting monsters. And i thought. . . I thought that my plan. . . that my plan would work. And look how that turned out."

  "Max I-"

  "Look me in my useless blind eyes and tell me i can still skateboard. that i can do all the things i've always wanted." Lucas couldn't meet her gaze.

  "exactly." she slumped her head back down. "so don't, Lucas."

  "i am useless."

a/n: pls pls pls vote and comment it rlly motivates me! ❤️

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