|| Gone ||

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|| Lucas's POV ||
"Catch up stalker! Your not going to be shown up by a girl are you?" Max shouted as she ran up the hill to (whatever that hill from season 3 was)
"No chance!" Lucas speed up his pace, passing Max within seconds. He heard her gasp and turned back to see she'd fallen. Oh shit.
"Holy shit Max are you okay?" Lucas questioned, immediately rushing over to her side. She crouched on the ground holding her ankle as if it were causing her pain. Her face was contorted to one of true pain.
"I-I think I sprained my ankle, ahh!" She winced as Lucas helped her to her feet.
"Come on we're going back and fixing you-" Max had dashed of towards the top of the hill, no sign of any injury. Sneaky. Lucas thought shaking his head slowly, then rushing to catch up with her.
"I-I can't believe you tricked me!" Lucas panted as he finally reached the top of the hill, where Max stood, unbothered.
"Do what you have to do, Stalker." She turned, her face warm and mischievous. "Survival of the fittest. You know how it is." She playfully punched Lucas's shoulder, causing him to playfully throw her over his shoulder.
"Oh my god Lucas! Put me down!" Max shrieked, flailing helplessly in Lucas's grasp.
"This'll teach you not to trick me!" Lucas threw Max in the air winning another shriek. He caught her effortlessly, lowering her back to the ground.
"What the hell is wrong with you Lucas?" She scowled at him.
"Too many things to count."
"You got that right." Max rolled her eyes and sat down, soon followed by Lucas.
(They sat like this)

They sat together in comfortably silence for a bit, basking in each others company, looking at the sunset

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They sat together in comfortably silence for a bit, basking in each others company, looking at the sunset. The sky was a mix of reds and oranges. It's so beautiful.
After a while, Max broke the silence.
"Lucas," she said softly, "You have to stop."
"Stop what?" Lucas asked jokingly, not sure of what she was talking about.
"Pretending I'm still here." Lucas was silent for a moment before stuttering.
"I'm dead, remember Lucas?" Lucas couldn't comprehend what she was saying. "My plan didn't work. Vecna got me." Max sighed. "The doctors say I might wake up, but I won't Lucas. I'm already gone." Lucas shook his head, fresh heartbreak weighing down his heart.
"I need you Max." Lucas choked after a few moments, not willing to even glance at the girl laying in his lap. "I-I need y-you back." Max sat up and looked right at Lucas, her ocean blue eyes sparkling in the dim lighting.
"I know, stalker. I wish with all of my heart I could have stayed with you, but it was never going to happen. It was fate." Max kissed Lucas's forehead and pulled him into a hug. The boy promptly started crying in the redheads embrace.
"I-I love you Max, don't leave me! I-I can't..I can't do this without you." Lucas whispered, holding Max tightly; afraid if he let go she would disappear.
"I love you too Lucas. Never forget that." Max pulled away from the hug, cupping Lucas's face which was soaked with tears. "Now don't waste those tears on me, that's the last thing I want. Go kill the asshole that did this to me."
She said with determination. Lucas nodded, feeling happy seeing Max the way she once was. Witty and determined.
Max started to fade right before Lucas's eyes.
"No! Don't leave me Maxie! I-I love you!" Lucas sobbed as he tried to grab onto Max's fading figure.
"Bye Lucas.." Her voice sounded like that if an angels in those last few moments Lucas could hear her.
Lucas jolted awake, frantically checking his surroundings.
He was back here. In Max's hospital room. He could hear the loud beeping of the machines keeping Max 'alive'. He walked unsteadily over to the redhead. Almost all sighs of life had long ago left her face, leaving her pale and lifeless.
"M-Max.." Lucas's voice broke as he whispered her name, holding her hand tightly.
I'll never be able to let you go..

a/n: woah, this was a roller coaster to write. I got the idea from tiktok so yeah. The only thing I har to say is: MAX BETTER COME BACK IN SEASON 5

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