|| Half-Update Thingy ||

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Sorry for not posting last week, both of my cats were missing. They're back now, so there's nothing to worry about. This is kinda a half-update bc I've got nothing to post yet and this was kinda done so I thought why not. Thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoy!
|| Lucas's POV ||
Lucas sighed as he gazed at the girl fast asleep in his arms. Her face looked twice as gorgeous when it was bathed in the fresh sunrise light that streamed through his bedroom window. Max had slept over at Lucas's the night before because of one of the many nights she was needed to slip away from her life back at home. Now it was around 7am and Lucas couldn't help but stare at her relaxed, innocent face.
"Your so beautiful Maxie.." Lucas gently pulled a strand of hair away from Max's face and stroked her cheek.
"Don't call me that.." Max murmured in a soft voice, blinking her eyes open to look at Lucas.
"Well, good morning to you too." Lucas chuckled and kissed the top of her head, as she sarcastically shrank away.
"Why can't I just sleep in peace?" Max whined.
  "Because, if you could, we would get nothing done. We have to go to school today, remember?" This seemed to make Max more upset.
  "Can't we just skip? It's sooo early and I'm sooo tired.." Max pressed herself closer to Lucas, her hand rubbing random symbols on his chest.
  "Mmm, sorry, but I can't let you do that. You know what Mr. Johnson said would happen if you skip class one more time?"
  "That I'll be suspended." Max rolled her eyes and glared up at Lucas. "But-"
  "No buts, Maxie. This is a non negotiable matter. You have to go." Lucas comfortingly rubbed Max's back.
  "Whatever mom.." Max seemingly didn't move, probably hoping Lucas would forget all about school, but that was not the case.
"Come on, we've got to get to school!" Lucas lifted Max into his arms as he stood up, holding her in a bridle position.
  "Mmm noo." Max mumbled quietly, her eyes shut tightly.
"Yesss, now let's get dressed, you can't skip again." Lucas set her down lightly on her feet. Max grumpily glared at Lucas for a second before mumbling incoherently and opening Lucas's drawer. Since she was over at his house all the time, some of her clothes had built up and she basically had a second wardrobe there.
"Thank you, Maxie. Trust me, today won't be as bad as you expect."
"Sure, that motivates me sooo much." Max pulled out a ruffled gray sweater with black leggings. Lucas watched her make her way over to the bathroom and closing the door. After the door shut, look at walked over to the closet and grabbed outfit for the day. It was a black t-shirt with jeans.
a/n: okay, 1: don't mind how this left off on a cliff hanger, I didn't really know where this was going. 2: It's fall break this week so I'll post again this week. 3: I got my front handspring! I'm super excited :)
Anyway, sorry for not posting last week, I was literally crying so much. But anywayyy, I'll post smth tmr or the next day. Thanks for 4k! It's so exciting I can't believe it!

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