Time Stops

200 6 8

It's going to fast. Everything is going too fast. Seconds to minutes, minutes to hours, hours to days, days to weeks. I can't control it, I can't change it. All i care about is how to slow down.

When i cut, time stops. It's like a quick, sharp cold breeze blows away all the pain from my body. Yes it hurts, of course it hurts. But not enough to stop. Never enough to stop.

With each white turned red line, another piece of myself gone with it. With every new raised scar that arises, more guilt swells within me. But not just guilt. Pride.

Pride for having the courage to be the cause of it, Pride for going deeper than i have before, pride for being able to tolerate the breeze.

  Crimson leaks and trickled into the floor.
  I will it to continue.

  The adrenaline rushed like one of the Atlantic's greatest tsunamis. The brains beautiful endorphins and opioids numb anything and everything.

And just for a moment, a quick, blissful, fucking amazing moment, time stops.

|| Lumax Oneshots ||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang