|| Kiss It Better ||

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  Sometime before season 3 and after season 2
  || Max's POV ||
"Come on, Lucas! You have to put your legs like this." Max demonstrated the correct position in her skateboard for the millionth time. She was currently outside teaching Lucas how to skateboard, per his request. His reasoning was that if he learned to skateboard, he and Max would be closer, not that Max needed a reason to teach him. She'd been dying for someone to skate with her for months now and this was her chance.
"Uh, isn't that what I was doing?" Lucas scratched the back of his hand and looked back up at Max.
"No, you were standing straight on the board when you have to he turned a little, like this."
"Oh, okay. Let me try again." Lucas and Max switched places so Lucas was standing on the board. Max judged his stance and was pleased to see it was close to perfect.
"That's great!" Lucas gave an excited smile, urging Max to continue, "Now, Try to push off a little." Lucas pushed off and slowly but surely made his way down the driveway.
"H-Hey! I'm doing it!"
"Hell yeah you are!" Max walked next to him. "Push off a little more." She instructed. Lucas immediately followed her instructions and pushed off, his pace speeding up quickly.
"Uh- Lucas, that kinda fast for your first time, don't you think?" Max cautioned, her slow walking turning into a jog as she kept pace with Lucas.
"Uh-" Was all that escaped Lucas's lips before he was flung off the skateboard and onto the curb.
"Ahhhhh shit!" Max crouched by Lucas who was holding his knee. Fresh scarlet blood trickled from a gash on his knee. Since he was wearing shorts the cut was on full display.
"Shit, shit! Stay here," Max spoke quickly, almost running back into her house. Only her mom was home, since Neil and Billy had some dumb excuses for where they had to be.
Hastily, she went into the bathroom and swung open the medicine cabinet, grabbing a bunch of bandages and disinfectant. Max usually wasn't this frantic when someone got hurt, she'd know what to do, what to say, but this was different. This is her boyfriend. How was she supposed to stay calm?
Jogging back outside, Max still saw Lucas sitting on the curb, his hands on his knee. As she got closer, Max was relived to see that no more blood was welling around the wound, just the initial amount.
"Lucas? I got this stuff to fix your knee.."
"Okay.." Lucas wheezed out. Immediately, Max started dabbing at the dark red liquid.
"Hell, I'm sorry Lucas..I didn't mean to make you fall. A-Are you mad?"
"What do you mean? Why would I be mad?" Lucas looked up from his knee, his gaze fixing itself on Max, but she didn't look up from the work she was so focused on.
"I- Uh just assumed you would be."
"Well I'm not, I'd never be. Besides, this isn't your fault, I was going too fast." Max sighed and started tightly wrapping Lucas's injury with bandages.
"Mmmhmmmm it hurts!" Lucas complained loudly, his grip tightening on the curb he was holding onto.
"Stop being such a big baby." Max rolled her eyes playfully while Lucas scoffed. "There, it'll heal in a couple days." Lucas seemed to hesitate before saying, "Maxie, can you kiss it better?"
"Now your really being a baby."
"Please, Maxie? It hurts~"
"Ughh, here." Max pecked Lucas's knee.
"It feels better already!" Lucas said in a sarcastic baby voice.
"Uh huh, I bet it does. Now, let's get you inside, I don't want the little baby to get hurt any more." Max shook her head dismissively, trying her best to hide her relief.
She was so happy Lucas wasn't mad, so happy he didn't blame her. If Max was being honest, she half expected Lucas to flip out yelling. That was the usual response to Max messing up, the one she was used to at least.
The rest of the night consisted of Max and Lucas hanging out in her room, listening to music, and laughing, a lot of laughing. Once it was time for Lucas to go home, Max walked with him to his house, helping him as his knee caused him to limp a little. Lucas seemed a little bit bummed that they couldn't finish their skating lessons, and Max kind of shared his disappointment. Max had so much fun teaching Lucas to skate. Hopefully they'd be able to continue their skating lessons some other day.

a/n: so this has been in my drafts for a while so I decided to finish it. Cheer is starting tomorrow (for some ungodly reason it's starting early) so that means I won't have as much time to write, but I have a couple almost finished drafts I plan on posting, so that will last me a while. Thanks for reading, and have a good day/night! <3

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