|| The Girl in The Red Hood ||

547 13 2

Ages 7-8, so when their kids
|| Lucas's POV ||
"Mom! I want to go play with my friends Lucas pleaded with his mom, who was making dinner.
  "Lucas! You can't go playing in the woods every night! You never know what might be out there." His mother stirred the pot, shaking her head slightly.
  "But all the others are going! Dustin said since the summers ending soon we have to play every day!" Lucas begged, putting on his best "puppy dog eyes" in hopes that would convince his mother.
Mrs. Sinclair stifled a sigh. "Fine. Just be careful. And stay out of McGregor's woodland. It's not safe." The woman called after her son who had already grabbed her bag and dashed for the door.
"Thanks mom! I will!"
"Hurry, Lucas! Will's coming!" Dustin panted as they ran from their friend.
"I'm catching up!" The boy called from behind them.
"Oh god! Keep running Dustin!" Lucas called, glancing over at Dustin, who was falling behind. Suddenly, Dustin slipped on a jagged rock in the leaf scatter and fell on the ground.
Lucas stopped abruptly and spun around to see the curly haired boy landing hard on the rock with jagged edges. He let out a yelp and a loud thump followed closely behind him.
"Oh my god, Dustin!" Mike almost screeched. Dustin was grasping his knee that was dripping with blood.
"Ahhhhhhhh! It burns!" Dustin seemed to scream louder than ever before.
"Dustin! Does it really hurt that bad?" Lucas asked with a frantic glance at his knee.
"Nah, I'm just playing. It kinda just tickles." Dustin said with a hard shrug, "OF COURSE IT HURTS THIS BAD!" He hissed at Lucas.
"Okay, okay, just asking!"
"Should we go get help?" Mike looked around. Since they were deep in the air pods it would be a good 7 minute walk back to his house.
"Yes! I'll stay here with Dustin. You guys go get help." Will offered, sitting down beside his friend.
"T-Thanks." Dustin grunted, still grasping his knee with both hands.
"Okay, let's go that way." Mike conceded, pointing in a random direction.
"No, I think we should go this way, it's the way we came..I think."
"No! It's this way!" Mike squeaked.
"Nuh uh!"
"Fine you go that way! I'll go this way, and we'll see who's right!" Mike squinted his eyes angrily at Lucas and stomped off in his chosen direction.
"Fine!" Lucas called after his friend, stalking in his own direction.
Stupid Mike..It's obviously this way! I mean, that tree looks familiar..kinda. And this bush, we definitely passed this on the way there. I'm definitely going the right way.
Lucas stalked through the trees, growing more and more lost as he went on. The woods started growing thicker and Lucas started to feel more and more nervous.
Maybe Mike was right. This doesn't seem like the right part of the woods at all..Maybe I should turn back- Lucas thought before he say a flash of red in the corner of his eye. The heck? Looking around, he felt a tap on his shoulder. Spinning around once more, Lucas was met with the most gorgeous girl he'd ever seen. She had sparkling blue eyes with fiery red hair that was tied with a red ribbon in the back. But, to top it all off, she was wearing a beautiful silly red cloak that shown in the late evening light.
Before Lucas could stutter out any words, the mysterious girl spoke first. "Are you lost?" Her voice was music to Lucas's ears.
"N-No..well..kind of?" He stuttered, finding it hard to meet her icu blue gaze.
"You've wandered into the McGregor's woodland." The girl walked slowly around Lucas, eyeing him with a soft smile. "And by the looks of it, you've never been here before."
"Well, no I haven't.. but I've always wanted to. It's my mom that stops me." Lucas felt the need to defend himself, even though he knew she wasn't trying to offend him in any way.
"Huh, interesting. Where are you trying to go?" The girl raised an eyebrow in intrigue.
"Oh, I live just off of Maple Street (I don't remember what street he actually lives on, so I guessed)
  "That's not too far from here. Do you know your way back?" The girl asked.
  "Y-Yes, er..no." He stammered, scratching the back of his head. The mysterious young girl blinked her sparkling eyes at him and replied. "I'll show you the way, come on."
  Now Lucas found himself walking side by side with a gorgeous girl. She has to be from a fairytale..no one can be this pretty. Lucas glanced down her hands, noticing she was holding a basket filled halfway with flowers of all kinds.
  "You like flowers?" Lucas decided to break the silence.
  "Hm?" The girl glanced down at her basket and replied, "Oh yes, I love flowers. White Roses are my favorite." (See that reference from another one shot 😉, oh, you don't?..okay then..)
  "They're very pretty. Do you find many flowers out here?"
  "Yes, there are some very good clusters here in McGregor's woodland."
  "M-Maybe I could come pick some with you some time." Lucas offered with a slight smile, hoping he'd get a good reply. There was a moment of quiet before the girl answered, "I'd like that." Lucas felt warmth spread across his entire body.
  Soon the two made it to Maple Street, and Lucas felt displeasure replacing the warmth that he once felt.  Would he have to leave this mysterious girl to soon?
  Lucas saw the rest of the party outside of Mikes house, probably resuming the game they were once playing. Lucas had been so caught up in this new found beauty that he'd completely forgotten what happened to Dustin.
  "Hey guys! There's Lucas!" Will called and started sprinting over, the others following closely behind him. Lucas had turned to look at the mysterious girl, but he found nothing where she had been standing.
  Spinning around fully, Lucas could faintly see the girls face in the shadows. She wore a soft smile and her eyes seemed like two sapphire stones. She drew on finger to her lips, as if to tell him to hush.
  "Where were you Lucas? You took forever!" Mikes voice drew Lucas from his thoughts and he turned to face his friends. Lucas glanced behind him, and saw there was nothing more than darkness coming from the woods, he murmured, "I..got lost."
  a/n: Ik Ik it's a day late, but I really wanted to finish it, and now I'm pretty proud of my work. My school recently put did the musical into the woods for our play, and I loved little red riding hood, and I got this idea! Okay, now I have to go bc school starts in 3 minutes. Ty for all the votes and for 7k! Love y'all!

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