|| Wisdom Teeth ||

245 9 6

Request from @sadiesinksimp1
(btw sadiesinksimp1 u r super super sweet thx for the request<3)
Now into the one shot!!
|| Max's POV ||
  "Yeah, i'm not doing this." Max stared wide eyed at the sign of the dentists office. She squeezed her boyfriend's hand so hard she thought she might break it.

  "Yeah, you are. Your wisdom teeth have been hurting for a while. Just get those suckers out." Lucas laughed at his own comment. Max didn't find it funny.

  "Take a breath, okay?" Lucas nudged Max gently, causing Max to break her stare with the sign and look up at Lucas. He gave her one of his signature reassuring smiles. Max took a little breath in and out. Feeling less nervous, and gave him a little nod.

  "Okay, let's go in." Lucas led her in by the hand.
  Max's eyes groggily blinked open slowly, her eyes blurry and half open. She was in a room with a too bright light. She was sitting in a chair, an IV in her arm. Her whole face was numb and her cheeks felt puffy and full. Max could pick up some of the conversation of the two other people in the room.

  ". . . will be numb for about two hours. . ."

  ". . . could have bleeding. . ."

  ". . .cannot cry. . ."

  "mmmphm. ." Max groaned, her eyes closing again.

|| Lucas's POV ||
  Lucas sat by max, listening to the doctor explain her condition, and how to care for her until she starts to feel better. Some of the things she said went straight over Lucas's head, but he attempted to retain most of it.

  "Okay, now we'll just get a wheelchair to bring her to your car." A nurse walked in, wheeling a wheelchair in. Lucas rubbed Max's arm and glanced at her face. Her eyes groggily fluttered open at the sound of the loud wheelchair.

  She looked around, confused and high of pain meds. Lucas examined his girlfriend's face. Her cheeks were flushed and chubby from the gauze in her mouth. Her lips were slightly parted. Her eyes glossy and half opened, staring back at him.

  "Lucas. .?" She murmured, her voice muffled and soft.

  Lucas stifled a laugh, shifting out of the way to let the nurses take out her IV. "Yeah, Max. It's me."

  "Oh my gosh Lucas." She groaned, blinking fast and then slow, fast and then slow. "I should have never let you talk me into this shit." Her voice came out low and slurred.

  Lucas laughed again "You needed to have them out," Max glared at him.

  "Nuhhh uhhhh" Max groaned like a little kid. "Nuh uhhh!" She said in a sing song voice. The nurses looked at each other amused and helped her into the wheel chair. "Nuh uhhh!" Max sung the whole way to the car. This is going to me interesting.
When we got to Mikes house the whole party was there, plus Nancy and Steve. Max, still mumbling to herself, was leaning heavily on Lucas's shoulder. She almost slipped on the stairs, but Lucas caught her just in time. "Woah there, Max" He lead her down the stairs to their friends.

  "Max!" Eleven squealed as she sat up from Mikes lap. She rushed over, then hesitated seeing her delirious state. "Mike what's wrong with Max?" Her boyfriend had followed her and grabbed her hand.

  "Remember? I told you about her getting her wisdom teeth out." El nodded slowly, causing Max to laugh loudly and start to the couch. Lucas tried to help her but he shrugged him off.

  "et off..!" She groaned, plopping down between Steve and Nancy. One eye was slightly more closed than the other, making Dustin burst out laughing. Lucas gave him a hard shove but it didn't seem to have an effect.

While Dustin was toppled over laughing his ass off, Max was talking with Steve and Nancy. "Ya i got dem out." Steve smirked at her muffled words.

"You what?" Max repeated what she said, attempting to put more emphasis on it but failing. "Huh?" Steve asked again, knowing full well what she was trying to say.

"Don't be a douche, Steve." Nancy uncrossed one of her arms to slap him on the chest.

"Yea Steve don't be a douche!" Max chimed in, blinking her eyes hard, bringing her hand up to her cheek. "shiitttt" she groaned.

"Does it hurt Max?" Nancy asked, beating lucas to the question. She closed her eyes and nodded. "Here, Steve and I will get you an ice pack." Steve looked up abruptly.

"We? We as in me?" Nancy rolled her eyes and pulled him up, half dragging him up the stairs.

"Bye Bye Steve!" Max sung, still holding onto her cheek.

The afternoon carried on like this. Steve and Nancy came back with the ice pack, and it soothed Maxs pain some. After a few hours the anesthesia wore off and Max was back to her witty sarcastic self, though none of the party will EVER let her live down some of the things she did while high on pain meds. Especially not the part where she attempted to play a game of strip, almost flashing the whole party. But we won't get into that.

After Lucas drove Max home, he leaned over and gave her a kiss gently on the cheek. "Call me later," he said simply. She nodded, and gave a weak smile, wincing at the pain it brought.

"Oh cruel world! You have taken away my lifeline, the one thing keeping my heart beating! Maxine Mayfield's smile!" i threw my hands up in mock anger at the universe, winning a soft giggle as my prize.

"Night stalker." She gave my hand a squeeze before leaving the car, wobbling slightly unsteadily into the house.

a/n: i swear imma start getting back once more requests come in!!

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