Promise me

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A couple weeks after the battle of star court, if Billy lived. TW: Explicit descriptions of Self  Harm. Please don't read this if you're sensitive this topic.
|| Max's POV || 
Max held the small silver blade tightly in her hand, suddenly questioning if this was the right thing to do. Of course it is, don't be an idiot. She thought to herself.
  Things hadn't been going well for Max. Ever since the battle of star court, things had only gotten worse. Billy had grown for intolerable and violent towards her. Almost every day she could account for a new bruise or abrasion caused by her step brother.
  The Byers and had moved away, taking Max's newly appointed best friend with them. Her heart ached any time she thought El, of all the fun they had going to the mall and having their sleepover. Max longed for that kind of friendship again.
  At least she still had Lucas, but she rarely saw him either. Max kept herself shut up in her house all day, specifically her room. She barely bothers to brush through her hair and only wore t-shirts and sweatpants. She looked so intolerably disgusting that she didn't want Lucas to see her in such a state.
Now Max was standing in front of her bathrooms sink, staring down at the small blade she'd removed from a pencil sharpener a while back.
  Pulling up her sleeve, Max revealed the faded scars from previous events like this. Max hated doing it, but it felt like the only way to relive the ache she felt in her chest. The only way? Your just causing more pain.
  Max sighed at the thought before pressing down the blade and dragging it down her arm. Fresh, scarlet blood leeked from the new cuts, dripping down her arm.
  Repeating the same motion, Max opened three more cuts before she heard the floor boards creak and a voice sound behind her.
  "Max? What the hell are you doing?"
Oh shit. Was all that Max could think before she caught Lucas's gaze in the mirror. He looked confused more than anything.
  "Lucas! What are you doing here?" She asked frantically, not turning around or daring to move her arms from in front of her. Lucas completely ignored her question and instead walked up to her, spinning her around to face him. He gazed in horror at the bloody scene in front of him. When Max tried to pull away, he held her in place.
  "Why..?" He murmured, looking away from her arms.
  Max didn't know how to respond. Tears just started streaming down her face.
  "Maxie.." Lucas pulled her into his embrace, careful not to hurt her arms.
  "I-I'm s-s-sorry" Max stuttered out, her thoughts racing too fast to assemble a full sentence.
  "No, no. Don't be sorry, baby." Lucas pulled away and sat her down on the toilet, his expression confused and afraid.
  Max sat there, silently crying as she watched Lucas rummage through the cabinet above the counter.
  He soon crouched back down in front of Max. He took a damp towel and started cleaning the somewhat dry blood. Max winced at each swipe he took, struggling to stay still. She was too embarrassed to meet Lucas's gazed even though he kept looking up at her.
  After he finished whipping the blood he started to wrap the cuts in while bandages.
  "Max?" Lucas asked without looking up from his work.
Max didn't reply, just glanced at the work Lucas had done on her arm.
  "Why? Why would you do this?"
  "I..I guess it helps.." Max looked down at her lap.
  "I-I don't know." she responded dryly. Seeing Lucas's defeated face, she decided to confide in him. "I guess.. I haven't been myself lately. Ever since Starcourt Billy's been worse than usual..and Els not here anymore and.." Max trailed off, more tears streaming down her cheeks.
  "Max, you don't need to do..this. I love you and I'll always be here to help you." Lucas placed his hand gently on Max's cheek. Max finally had the courage to look Lucas in face. His deep chocolate eyes were glazed with sympathy.
  "Promise me you won't do this again."
  "I..I promise." Max let the last of her tears fall from her eyes. She didn't know if she could keep the promise, or if she even had it in her to try. All Max knew was that Lucas was here, and for now she felt alright.

a/n: if you struggle with self harm, please reach out and get the help you need. I know from personal experience that getting help seems impossible, but it's not. you have people around you that love you and want to be there for you, if you'll let them. if you ever feel down or like you need an unbiased person to confide in, please consider messaging me! i can't promise i can fix all your problems but i sure can lend a listening ear. thank you for reading and please take care of yourselves! ❤️

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