|| Run Away Redhead 2 ||

143 6 9

Thank you everyone for the hilarious comments!! They really motivate me <3

|| Lucas's POV ||
1 month later

During the time that Max has been missing, Lucas has:
-Learned to play the piano, though not very well (something his mother dreamed of him doing)
-Ran 3 miles (It was very tiring, he won't be doing that again)
-Read 12 different books (Didn't make time go by any faster)
-Spent 250 hours in the arcade (Yes, he calculated that)
-Watched 7 movies (Meh)
-Slept through multiple days (Not very good way to spend time)

Nothing made the time go by as fast as he wished. Nothing seemed to work without Max. Nothing. It was like time stoped the moment Lucas got that fateful call.

"Hello?" Lucas asked, leaning against the wall, twisting and pulling the phones cord.

"Hello, is this Lucas Sinclair?" A gruff, loud voice said at the other end of the phone.

"Uh, yea what's up?"

"What is your relationship with Maxine Mayfield?"

"Wh- who are you??"

"I'm sorry, I'm Officer Jackson. Maxine's mother reported her missing this morning. I'd like to interview you about your relationship with Maxine."

"What. . . Who the fuck is this?! Dustin did Mike put you up to this?! Haha very funny douchebag."

  "Er, this is not a prank. Is there a good time you and a parental guardian can come down to the station?"

  "Screw you Dustin." And he hung up.

  Lucas tried to call Max's phone 46 times. He called her house phone 27 times. Until Max's mom answered. Her voice came quiet and shaky and wailing.

  "Lucas! Have you heard from Maxine? Sh-She hasn't been— I haven't seen her in—" Max's mom broke out into sobs. That's when Lucas's heart sank into the bottomless void. And it hadn't resurfaced since.

  Ring ring, Ring ring

  "Shut up."

  Ring ring, Ring ring

  "Piss off."

  Ring ring, Ring ring

  "For gods sake! What?!" Lucas finally answered the phone.

  "Lucas! Get down to the police station ASAP!" Will sounded urgent, but that didn't go through Lucas's half asleep brain.

  "What are you talking about?" Lucas rubbed his eyes, rolling over to look at the clock. 9:37 pm. Slept through another day.

  "They found her." Silence rung out through the whole room. Lucas's heart was the only sound anywhere in the world as far as Lucas was concerned.

  "They found her Lucas, they found Max."

  "Name and relation?" Lucas glared at the tall police officer who was stopping him from proceeding through the door that separated him from his missing, now not missing, girlfriend.

  "Lucas Sinclair. Boyfriend." The police officer looked at him unimpressed.

  "Uh huh." He said with a raised eyebrow. Lucas bunched up his fists, anger simmering. But before Lucas could go off on this man about 'This was my girlfriend that has been missing for a month, no contact with anyone whatsoever, and you're trying to keep her from me?!' but before he could do that, the man opened the door and let him in.

  Surprisingly, no one else was in the room. It was bland, a table/chair like thing you would see in a doctors office while getting a check up, a trashcan and another chair. On the table/chair was a redheaded girl with freckles. She wore dirty blood stained clothes— Blood?!—with a brown blanket draped over her shoulders. Her red hair was matted and had lost most of its shine. When the girl looked up, Lucas took note of her very defined cheekbones, and sunken in eye sockets. But he mostly noticed her eyes, which were lifeless, dull.

  This is not Max. Sure, this is Max, but it's not Max. It's not the Max that would sneak in through his window at night so they could hang out. It's not the Max that would pretend to be desperate to practice counting money, specifically Lucas's money, just so she could secretly pocket some. This was not the Max that knew the code to vending machines that would unlock them so she could take as much as she wanted. This was not Max.

  The girl that was not Max looked into Lucas's eyes, squinting a little. She was shivering terribly. Not-Max's chapped lips parted slightly, as if she wanted to speak, but nothing came out. No, 'Oh my god Lucas I missed you so much!'  or 'How long was I gone stalker?' or even 'I can't believe you didn't fucking find me Lucas!' Nothing. Just nothing.

  Until there was something. A small raspy sound that Not-Max created, looking intently for Lucas's reaction.

  "Who. . are you?"

a/n: uh ohhhhh

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