|| Movie Theater Madness ||

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Season three ages! Minor The Black Phone spoilers and kinda mentions of abuse. Okay, that's all!
|| Lucas's POV ||
"And that's why we're not watching The Breakfast Club. I've seen that at least 3 times already!" Dustin concluded as the party gazed at the large movie signs. The whole party was waiting in line at the movie theater, arguing with each other about what to watch. Who knew this could be such a big debate?
"Well, we have to watch something..what about Clue?" Will asked, looking around the group. Almost everyone shook their heads. Will grunted and rolled his eyes.
"What's this one?" Eleven pointed to one movie that Max was not very familiar with. It had a creepy looking man with a mask on in it. She had heard of it from commercials at home, and Max wasn't opposed watching it. In the commercial, it had this boy, who gets kidnapped and has to try and escape using the help of other dead kids on a broken telephone. It was called The Black Phone. It seemed interesting and cool, so why not watch it?
"Sure, why not?" Max agreed, looking around for others to agree. Dustin nodded, Will shrugged, Lucas agreed, Mike looked down at El, who was nodding enthusiastically.
  "That looks awesome! Right Mike?" Mike looked hesitant, obviously not wanting her to get scared by the movie. Max rolled her eyes.
  "Problem Mike?" She asked, raising her eyebrow.
  "No, not at all. Let's just see this one." Mike said through gritted teeth.
|| Time skip ||
Sitting down in her seat, a pack of skittles in her hand. Lucas was making his way to the seat nest to her, a bucket of popcorn and a drink in his hands. Obviously he was struggling to get to his seat, but Max found it hilarious.
  "Got your hands full, Stalker?" Max teased, not bothering to help him. Lucas scoffed and countered, "This is your drink." He messily tossed the drink at her.
  "Yes, thank you for that." Max said, barely catching the bottle of soda, "I'm sure it'll be perfectly shaken up."
  "Just how you like it, right?" He finally sat down at his seat, setting the bucket of popcorn between them.
  Chuckling, Max glanced over to the other side of them to see Dustin and Will talking about something, and Mike and El sitting together. El, per usual, was leaning onto Mike, and he was just murmuring quietly to her. Max scoffed.
  Soon the movie started, and it was pretty good, (I won't spoil what happens in the movie 😉) and Max was starting to get hungry. She ripped open the bag of skittles and tilted it over her hand, letting the colorful candies spill out. Offering the bag to Lucas who gladly accepted, Max turned her attention back to the movie.
  To Max's displeasure, she found the dad of the main characters yelling and screaming at the young daughter. He was holding a belt and..
  Max couldn't watch any longer. Rushing out of her seat, she stormed out of the theater and into the bathroom, tears streaming down her face. 
|| Lucas's POV ||
  "Max!" Lucas whisper yelled after the girl who dashed out of the theater.
  "Shit," Lucas looked up at the movie screen, seeing what had upset Max.
  Getting out of his seat, Lucas made his way some what quickly out of the theater and into the halls. It was basically deserted, other than a janitor who was sweeping up popcorn off the floor.
  "Hey!" Luca called to him, "Have you seen an upset red-head run through here?" The middle-ages man nodded and gestured to the women's bathroom. The last place I would choose to go.  Lucas thought with a sigh. No matter how much he didn't want to go in there, Lucas would do anything to comfort his girlfriend.
  "Okay, thanks." Lucas nodded to the mad, who nodded back and went back to his work.
|| Lol POV change again ||
  Crouching down to the floor, Max pulled her knees to her chest. She was done crying, she was sick of crying. The tears that fell back there were nothing. She was fine.
But thinking back to the night before, when Billy stormed into Max's room, accusing her of taking his sunglasses, she knew how it felt to be that little girl. How much pain others can cause, over such trivial things.
The thoughts just came flooding into Max's mind, and she couldn't stop them. As the memories got more and more dark, Max heard a voice break through he thoughts.
"If there are any other girls in here, I am very sorry!" Lucas walked slowly in, covering his eyes with one hand and feeling around with the other. "I didn't come to listen to you pee, or something, I'm just here-" He was cut off by Max looking up at him.
"Lucas?" She murmured, instantly relaxing.
"Max?" Lucas removed his hand from his eyes.
"Sup Stalker." She said, leaning up against the wall. "Uhm, if you weren't aware, this is the girls' bathroom." Max chuckled softly, trying to avoid the subject at hand.
"Trust me, I am painfully aware." He rolled his eyes as he came to sit next to his girlfriend.
"So.." Max said after a second, rhythmically tapping her foot on the floor.
"What happened back there?" Lucas asked, nudging her gently with his shoulder.
"Uhm, I guess what always happens." Lucas looked a little confused, so she continued, "In the movie, I guess the scene made me upset, or whatever. So a ran. Like I always do." Max rolled her eyes at her own stupidity. Why did I get so upset? It's just a movie, they were just acting. "And now I just stormed out in front of all those people. And in front of the party.." And you. Max thought with a sigh.
"It's okay, Max, really. I don't think anyone noticed or cared! Did you see Will and Dustin? They were too invested in the movie to be paying attention to anything you were doing. And Mike was just worrying about El, per usual, so he wasn't even looking in our direction." Lucas tried to comfort his girlfriend, inching his hand closer to hers.
"I guess so..but it's still embarrassing."
"I know, but look on the positive side, now we can go and get more popcorn. We don't even have to go back." Max nodded, breathing a sigh of relief.
"Are you sure you okay, MadMax?" Lucas asked, gazing at the redhead toy he side of him.
I am now. Max get a smile creeping onto her face. "Yeah, I'm good." She glanced slowly down at her boyfriends lips, and back to his deep brown eyes.
"I'm glad," Lucas whispered, looking down in turn at Max's lips. But he didn't look away from them.
Max leaned in so their faces were only a few centimeters apart. Lucas was about to close the space, when Max placed a finger on his lips.
"Aww poor baby Lucas." Max poured her lip and stood up, a smirk plastered on her face. "Let's get out of here before someone comes in and sees you in here."
a/n: heyyy, a day late I am aware, but here's this weeks one shot! I was going to post part two of jealousy, but decided to keep y'all in suspense for a little 😊
Anywaysssss, love y'all, bye!
P.S. there's smth wrong with my internet, so that's part of why this is late 🥲

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