|| Beach day? ||

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Max sat on her towel, knees pulled up to her chest. She watched as mike and Dustin pushed each other in the dark water. El ran up to them now and then splashing water in their faces. One of the times mike picked her up and dipped her in the water. She resurfaced giggled and splashing even more than before if that's even possible. Max looked away from the sickeningly sweet sight. She just put in her black sunglasses and laid back.
Just my luck. She thought with a chuckle of annoyance and amusement at the situation she was in. The first hang out of the summer. And they choose the beach, the one thing Max is afraid of?? Well the ocean and that demigorgan monster thing. That was pretty scary too.
Whatever it is about the ocean she's afraid of, max doesn't know. But just looking at the dark blue water makes her feel panicky. She's gone to the beach and in the ocean with the party before but she's never been able to go in beyond ankle deep. "How pathetic." She laughed at herself.
"What's pathetic?" Lucas asked as he sat down next to her.
"Look who decided to show up."
"I couldn't just leave a damsel in distress." Lucas raised his eyebrows, the usual smirk plastered on his face.
"Thank god. What would I do without you?" Sarcasm laid heavy in max's voice.
"I'm going to pretend that wasn't sarcasm." Lucas leaned in for a kiss only to reach max's hand pushing him away.
Max sat up again, crossing her legs. "I get the feeling you're not happy about our choice of hang out." Lucas concluded.
"And how'd you come to that conclusion, genius."
"Because you're picking at the skin on your finger tips, like you always do when your uncomfortable?" Max cursed Lucas's attentiveness, moving her hands to her sides. Lucas put his arm around her waist sliding her closer to him.
"Hey Lucas!" Mike noticed his arrival.
"Hey get in here guys!!" Dustin shouted. El shouted something as well though Max couldn't tell what she said.
"Want to go in Maxie?" He asked after a few moments of the two staring at the three in the water.
"1. Don't call my that. 2. That's not happening."
"Come on Maxie," Max rolled her eyes at the nickname. "I'll be there with you."
"I've never been able to go in what makes you think this time is any different??"
"I have a feeling, please?" He smiled, "we can leave any time you'd like."
Max looked at the ocean again. Fears are meant to be gotten over I guess. She got up and slowly walked along side Lucas towards the water.
El saw her and cheered her on. "Go Max!" She cheered from atop of mikes shoulders. Dustin and mike yelled words of encouragement too.
But no matter all of that, fear still started rising in max's stomach the closer they got. Lucas must have saw this because he took her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. They got to about knee deep when Max had to stop. She stared down at the water, barely able to see her feet. In a shaky voice she said "L-Lucas stop." She breathed.
"What's wrong max?" His voice sounded distant. "I can't." Her voice was almost a whisper. Max's mood had changed so fast it was crazy.
"Okay, okay max let's just go back." Before she knew it Lucas was leading max back to the party's towels and bags. They sat down. "I'm sorry Lucas I really wanted to I just.."
"Don't apologize Max it's okay you'll get there." Like I'll believe that. She thought angrily.

Let's just pretend that max is afraid of the ocean ;)
Let's also pretend that I haven't been missing for all of summer lmao
I might make pt 2 where she goes back with only Lucas if ppl comment that they'd want it also I haven't proof read this so there might be mistakes

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